Stress Relief: Fast Way to Slow Down

Recently almost all of my private clients required new tools for stress relief.  I’d already been employing a couple of new ones myself and I’d like to share my favorite from an excellent “Westword” article about Lisa Wimberg’s, “Five Fast Ways to Slow Down Quickly.”

2. Shake
Imagine the particular stressors of the day and while thinking of these, shake your hands, shoulders and legs as though you are shaking off a swarm of bees. Do this for at least two minutes. You may feel awkward or embarrassed, but shaking like this while activating stress helps dissipate the adrenaline levels in our body associated with that event. It leaves the body feeling calmer, and helps bring down adrenaline and cortisol levels.

To read the other four of Lisa Wimberger’s five fast ways to slow down quickly, click here to read Lisa’s article.

Share your own experience with this fantastic tool!

Happiness: The Best of You

As I am preparing to be interviewed about using our StrengthsFinder™ strengths more, I am reflecting on what brings out the best in each of us.

Over and over, I notice that when we apply our strengths to the values, ideas and projects that inspire and excite us, then we are truly, madly deeply living and giving from our best.

StrengthsFinder™, Strengths, Best of you Happiness, Spiritual Growth
Your strengths + what energizes and interests you =
living and working from the best of you.

Without judgment about practicality or what others will think, what excites you, what calls you right now?

Spiritual Growth: Carved by the Master

In India, Ramananda said, there once was a sculptor commissioned to build a temple.  As he approached a block of granite and began to chip away, the sculptor felt a strange resistance, as if the rock resented being poked and cut.  The sculptor got spooked, and he moved to the next block of granite.  

This second rock was more willing to be chipped and sculpted into the statue of a beautiful deity.  When the sculptor was finished, he placed the granite on a high altar.  He used the first block of granite as the stepping stone upon which pilgrims would stand when they made their offerings to the deity.

Later, Ramananda continued, the first stone complained to its friend, the carved stone.  The first stone lamented its own destiny beneath the soiled feet of worshippers, while the other stone was now being revered and bathed in milk, honey, and rosewater.  The second stone responded, “If you recall, you didn’t want to be touched, carved and chipped by the master.”

Excepted from Yoga Journal
“Once upon a Time”
By Dan Charnas

spiritual growth, spiritual awareness, spiritual growth

When my yoga teacher, Chris Anne, read this story to open a recent class, I felt a wave of relief run through my body as I realized that I DO want to be chipped and carved.  And yet, sometimes I still resist.  This sweet story reminds me to whole-heartedly say a resounding “yes” to that which chips and carves me.

Where in your life do you find yourself being chipped and carved?  How much are you embracing or resisting?


“Ann Strong hits the nail on the head with “Thriving Work.”  I’ve long been a fan of her work and am thrilled that she’s offering her expertise in this book!  You can’t help but be inspired by her words, and implementing her suggestions will make all the difference in your business.”
– Jeannette Maw
Good Vibe Coach and Author of
“The Magic of  Pray Rain Journaling”

“Thriving Work” serves as a guide and companion to moving beyond limiting beliefs, perspectives and habits to more consistently and consciously choosing to live and work from your naturally radiant self:

Commitment: What Would It Take?

I have been playing with an invisible cord of energy that draws me toward my short-term and long-term commitments.  The cord consists of an empowering question that both my conscious and unconscious mind continue to answer: “What would it take to . . . ?”

For me right now, I’m asking, “What would it take for me to practice this same meditation for the next 40 days?”  As I’m writing this I learn that Steve Jobs has died and I am called to ask, “What would it take for me to live and work more fully present in each moment?” 

One of my clients is looking at, “What would it take for me have more fun with my team?”  Another is asking, “What would it take for me to have a better relationship with my banker and money?”  Another is playing with, “What would it take for my business to feel easier?”

What is your “What would it take . . . ?”


“Ann Strong hits the nail on the head with “Thriving Work.”  I’ve long been a fan of her work and am thrilled that she’s offering her expertise in this book!  You can’t help but be inspired by her words, and implementing her suggestions will make all the difference in your business.”
– Jeannette Maw
Good Vibe Coach and Author of
“The Magic of  Pray Rain Journaling”

“Thriving Work” serves as a guide and companion to moving beyond limiting beliefs, perspectives and habits to more consistently and consciously choosing to live and work from your naturally radiant self: