Mindfulness: Whose Exceptional Natural Capacity

For almost a year now, I have been working toward launching my wonderful new brand and program, Free Your G, into the world.  Why has it taken so long?  Impatient by nature, I have asked this question repeatedly.  Only to hear echoed back from the beyond, “It takes as long as it takes.”

You notice even now that I am telling you about it, rather than launching it – whatever launching means!  And, I am beginning to have a sense of why the very long “launch.”

Free Your G.  Free Your Genius.

I cannot count how many people have told me some variation of, “I don’t have a Genius.  I don’t know about Genius.  I’m not a Genius.”

How can we free what we don’t know exists?

So, for the last year I have been in this huge inquiry.  Why don’t people know they have a Genius?  How can I help them know?  Once they know, what will it take for them to free it?!?

Finally, as a bit of a last resort, I turned to the dictionary.  One of the definitions of Genius: an exceptional natural capacity. 

Eureka, I get it!!!  It’s the exceptional coupled with natural that thows us off.  “Well of course I’m good (read: exceptional) at (fill in the blank).  Isn’t everybody? (Because it’s natural to me, I assume it’s natural to everybody.)

Whose exceptional natural capacity?  YOURS.  Maybe only yours.  Among 7 billion people.  Now that’s Genius!

To transform your experience of yourself and your life, take some time to consider: in what areas of my life and work do I have exceptional natural capacity?


Our Genius tends to elude us just as the fish isn’t
particularly aware that he’s in water.

If it doesn’t come to you right away, stick with it.  Like a fish who has a exceptional natural capacity to live in water, we don’t know that our Genius is exceptional because it is what we know.  What we’ve always known.

With you as my witness, in 2014 Free Your G is coming out of the water and boldly launching into the world!

Will you join me and make 2014 the year of your Genius?  I would love to hasten your discovery process and help you to quickly see into your blind spots!

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Curious about getting your Genius out of the water and front and center in your awareness?

Call me to talk about my Genius Playshop and Genius Coaching to uncover and activate your Genius – yes you have one.  Maybe more than one!

My direct office line: 303.399.8737.

Feel free to post your comments, experiences and insights below.

Find Your Strongest Life: If Not Stronger, then Weaker

A couple of days before Thanksgiving, I started a new daily practice of beginning my day with a randomly chosen affirmative prayer from my own book, Thriving Work. Since I’ve done it only about every other day, I’ve gotten to experience the difference between starting my day with a prayer focus and starting my day without one.

I’ve done the research.  Let’s just say, I would be well advised to not leave home without a prayer focus.  What a difference it makes to pause for a minute or two to focus on my Divinity and my boundless capacity.

While Thriving Work offers me 33 prayers, it doesn’t seem to matter which one I turn to.  All of them call me to the stronger me, the better-person me.

And today it occurred to me: If I’m not focused on the stronger me, then I’m weaker.  That startled me. 

It’s a choice.

If we don't choose Strong, we choose weak by default.

If we don’t choose Strong, we choose weak by default.

I choose Strong.  Daily.  Why would I do something so wonderful and easy only every other day?  Ah, to be human.

What about you?  What daily practice could you put in place to more consistently choose Strong You?

I share today’s prayer with you:

Move Me

Dear God, move me.
Dear God, use me.
Dear God, may I lose me
To your Divinity.

Dear God, I give you my fear,
My doubt,
My hesitation,
My resistance,
My desire to stay small, play safe,

Dear God, may I lose me
To your Divinity.
Dear God, use me.
Dear God, move me.

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Is your Genius nudging and bugging you?
Call me to talk about Genius Coaching to uncover
and activate your Genius – yes you have one. 
Maybe more than one!
My direct office line: 303.399.8737.

Has your whole life been turned upside down?
Even though it certainly may not feel like it, this is
a miraculous time to create you anew.  Call me to
schedule a Dark into Light exploratory session or a
Transformation Day Retreat.
My direct office line: 303.399.8737.