What Experiences Spark Joy for You?

I have been studying A Course of Love with fervor for the past few months. It has both taken hold of me and frustrated me. I hear the Truth of “Love is” and “Dedicate all thought to union” and I don’t always live it. I hear the call to completely drop judgment and I judge that I can’t do that, even though I want to. Deep breath.

Reading A Course of Love sparks joy for me. Discussing A Course of Love with my Course mates sparks joy for me. Feeling into A Course of Love sparks joy for me. So, I’m allowing my frustration without thinking it has to mitigate my joy.

person sewing

Recently I explored with two of my Course mates the idea of the relationship of needle, thread and fabric as presented in the Course. Somehow, I can feel the service of the needle and the joy of the union of thread and fabric. That’s amazing and glorious to me.

I devote my 2016 to experiencing A Course of Love more and more deeply.

What about you? What sparks joy for you? What is calling you? What devotion is yours in 2016?

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you“)

2 thoughts on “What Experiences Spark Joy for You?”

  1. Ken, I totally hear you about low targets. I didn’t even use the word joy two years ago because I felt I didn’t really have an experience of it.

    What a joy to know and experience joy now! Even in the simple moments – watching my kitty watch bunnies through the glass door is so joyful!!!

  2. Well, first, I want to say that most of my life has been spent defining joy as “nothing bad happening right now,” or “not too bad is pretty good.” Some of you might consider those to be pretty low targets…

    Now, right this minute (while typing), thoughts of bunnies, racquetball, and connecting with my loving partner all make me smile.


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