A Blessing for the New Year

May your new year be filled with abundance.

May it bring you new opportunities to grow and learn.

May you find peace in the present moment.

May you be blessed with the strength to face any challenges that come your way.

May you be surrounded by people who support and uplift you.

May you find the time and energy to nurture your relationships and cultivate meaningful connections.

May you express your creative free spirit with joy.

But most of all, may the new year bring you endless opportunities to love yourself like never before.

– Peleg Top, Guest Author

What Important Breakthrough Would You Love to Create?

Last week, I had the privilege of guiding two clients to and through a breakthrough. Yesterday, I spontaneously facilitated my own breakthrough.

While I’m in this amazing breakthrough energy, I would love to offer you the opportunity for your own breakthrough.

Is there an area of your life calling you but you’ve felt stuck? Do you feel restless? Would you love to contribute more right now? Do you feel ready to shift a long-time pattern that’s been frustrating you? What important breakthrough would you love to create?

If a breakthrough is calling you, I’m offering eleven 45-minute Breakthrough coaching sessions. Sign up now to be one of the 11 people!

The investment is $495. And, if COVID-19 has challenged your income, I’m offering alternative pricing of $295 and $95.
Pay the full investment if you can. If you need some help, pay one of the other two options.

I’m so excited to facilitate your breakthrough, too!


Aching to See

the first deep fire in the clouds,
day erupting into the textures of the sky
intricate whorls and twists and mysteries
I dive in with my eyes
Strain to behold each eddy,
feel each red and orange as it appears
savor each shadow frolicking with the light

I cannot.
I am too impatient,
And instead I miss precious minutes to rush from the building
And run silent into the sun
Trying not to disturb the vastness

I cannot take it all in! I cannot. Can. not.
And I close to the beauty as I try
Snapping shots, hoping to capture the impossible
When all I had to do is be still
And let my heart burst

Making Love with This, A book of Poetry by Ephraim Mallery








Get your copy today!

Dear One, There Is Nothing Wrong with You

In the last week, three clients shared with me that they thought there was something wrong with them.

One woman thought she was depressed when she had simply lost sight of her purpose and mission. Another thought she was greedy for receiving a loan for her business. In fact, she was simply taking care of herself and her business. And, yet another kept getting upset with herself for not making more money in the past few months. She’s now developing a lower priced product that fits better for this new economy.

I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with them and there is nothing wrong with you. We are living in a radical new normal. And we still have the power to choose where we put our focus.

If you notice your thoughts tending toward, “There must be something wrong with me,” then close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now take another deep breath.

What can you focus on now that would be more life-affirming for you? Who can you connect with to bring some brightness to both your days? What can you do to take better care of yourself?

And please know that regardless of what you think about yourself, there is nothing wrong with you. You’re human. As a human, you are allowed to think less than helpful thoughts without believing the thoughts.

Dear One, There Is Nothing Wrong with You







When you witness those thoughts that you’re thinking, you might also notice that there are two of you. The human you who is thinking the thoughts and the Divine you who is holding you and witnessing the thoughts.

There truly is nothing wrong with you.

How Can We Know and Share Our Abundant Resourcefulness?

I’m in the process of deeply examining both my own beliefs and our cultural beliefs around money in an online course, True Prosperity, with Lynne Twist and Tammy White. Part of the foundation of the course is Lynne’s book, The Soul of Money. I read the book in 2003 when it came out.

A couple of years ago, I cleared out maybe two thirds of the books I had at that time. I kept only the ones that I could remember how I had shifted because of reading them. The Soul of Money made the cut because I remembered it helped me stay conscious about how our society tends to value money over people.

In this course now, I’m sitting with what Lynne calls 3 Toxic Beliefs:

  1. There’s not enough.
  2. More is better.
  3. That’s just the way it is.

One of the ways I’m focusing on shifting those beliefs for me involves a daily practice of finding and creating evidence that contradicts them. I’m noticing how quickly, “there’s not enough” turns into “I’m not enough” and “I’m not doing enough.”

When I hear inside me “I’m not enough” or “I’m not doing enough,” I use that as an opportunity to contemplate how I might like to know that I’m enough or what I might I like to share of my resources or resourcefulness. And, how can I do that from a place of loving myself rather than proving myself?

Sometimes I read a paragraph from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and become present in this moment. Sometimes I send money to my spiritual home, Agape, Michael Beckwith’s ministry, or to Black Lives Matter. Sometimes I give away stuff I no longer need. And today, I realized I wanted to share this idea of our abundant resourcefulness with you . . .

Agape Live – Streaming Archive







So what about you? How might you know and share your abundant resourcefulness today?

What Cannot Be Cancelled

Love is not cancelled.
Sunshine is plentiful.
Kindness is available anywhere.
Prayer is not cancelled.
Opportunities to help those in need are plentiful.
Singing can be done anywhere.
Playtime is not cancelled.
Laughter is plentiful.
Reasons to laugh are everywhere.
Self-care is not cancelled.
Kitty and doggie love is plentiful.
Smiling can be done anywhere, even through a mask.
Eating healthy is not cancelled.
Upbeat music is plentiful.
Outdoor projects can be done anywhere.
Appreciation is not cancelled.
Delicious coffee is plentiful.
Inspiration can be found anywhere.
Dancing is not cancelled.
Naps can be plentiful.
Love is everywhere.
Love is not cancelled.
– Ann Strong

Free Uplifting Coaching, No Strings Attached

Last week, with the help of Spirit and my mentor, Derek, I got my head straightened out. I once again remembered that I am a creator and the source of my experience. Right after that, my brother-in-law called and I spontaneously helped him feel more empowered. Then a client asked if I would talk with a friend of hers.

If you’d like coaching around remembering that you are a powerful creator, then I’d love to help you too. Let’s spend 30 or 40 minutes focused on what you’d love to create right now. My gift to you.

Here’s a link to my calendar.

How Do You See Yourself? That Is How You Are.

One of the challenging opportunities for me of this nesting at home time has been noticing how I perceive myself. Several times recently, I’ve found myself regressing to an image of a small, limited version of me.

Thank goodness my profession requires me to focus on the strengths and infinite capacity of the person in front of me. And it starts with me. If I don’t see myself as the creator of my life, if I don’t see my strength and miraculous capacity, I won’t see it in my clients either.

When I noticed that my self-perception had drifted toward feeling like a victim of this world crisis, I gave myself some tough-love self-coaching.

I am the source of my world. And, every day, I have the honor and privilege of calling forth my clients to recognize and own that they are the source of their worlds and their businesses. It’s not always easy or comfortable work. Especially in the middle of a world crisis.

And, it’s the work that needs to be done right now. Our world is crying out for courageous leaders.

Some of them are cashiers at my grocery store. They’re kind and loving on the front lines. Some of them are ministers delivering powerful messages into cyberspace. Some of them are doctors and nurses tirelessly working toward healing.

Transformation | Spiritual Coach Denver, Santa Fe

What are you called to right now? Would you like a champion for seeing yourself as the Powerful Light that you are? If so, let’s have a coaching conversation – my gift – about me coaching you during this transformational time.

Click here to access my calendar to schedule.

Shifting the Focus from Anxiety to Opportunity

In every crisis there is danger and opportunity.

Recently I realized that I was more focused on the danger and perceived danger of this world crisis. I know you, too, might be feeling anxious and not sure of how to proceed – in your life or in your business.

I’d like to share a super cool tool with you. Thank goodness that as a coach, I have powerful tools to shift my perspective. One of my favorites is the Perspective Pie. Wanna play?

Okay, pull out a blank sheet of paper and draw a circle, filling the page with that big circle as much as you can. Then divide your circle into 8 slices of pie.

In one of those slices, write your current perspective. Mine was something like, “No one can focus on or afford coaching right now.” Then in the next slice, write a slightly better perspective. “Well I’m still working with clients. Some people still want coaching.”

Then write another somewhat better perspective. And better, and better and better until all 8 slices have new perspectives. My final slice was, “Coaching helps people uncover their opportunities. I need to be of more service now.”

So, I’d love to offer you a gift coaching session to help you uncover your current opportunities. We can focus on your life, your business or both.

Click here to access my calendar to schedule.

What Is the Positive Antidote for Anxiety and Fear?

With a serious virus circling the planet and all of the financial, social, and day-to-day impacts to our lives, we are in uncharted territory.

Of course the unknown can feel scary. Worrying makes it worse. What can we do to ease fear and anxiety?

I had to first ask myself this question. Here’s what’s been working for me.

Practicing mindful choosing.

When you become aware of feeling fearful or anxious, choose to put your focus on something that feels better, and true to you.

For me, I started by shifting my focus away from my retirement savings losing value. I’ve instead focused on not needing that money soon and remembering there is time for it to grow again.

I’ve gotten outside more. Feeling the solidity of Mother Earth beneath my feet, the wind in my hair, and the sun on my face. I’m taking more pictures of nature, focusing on all the gifts that surround me.

The half moon rising above Gore Range, across from Beaver Creek Ski Resort in Colorado

The half moon rising above Gore Range,
across from Beaver Creek Ski Resort in Colorado

And, I’ve been meditating and praying for calm energy for me and for anyone else who needs it too. I’ve also been more patient and kinder, with myself and with those around me.

Maybe most importantly, when I notice I’m fearful or anxious, I stop what I’m doing and simply witness the fear and anxiety. At the same time, I give myself some positive attention, allowing the fear and anxiety to be melted by love.

Practicing mindful choosing – it’s called a Practice for a reason. We may not do it perfectly, but every time we mindfully choose something that feels better, we give ourselves a gift and make the world a better place.