How Do You Answer the Call of the Season?

This time of year endlessly fascinates me with the contrast of the natural call to go inward and the consumer call to run around out there.

I opted out of the consumer call almost 30 years ago.

And this year, because it’s been so warm and we haven’t yet seen our typical snow here in Northern New Mexico, I’ve been more outward-focused than usual.

Last night it occurred to me that I didn’t want to miss the sacred opportunity of this season.

How Do You Answer the Call of the Season?

How wonderful to notice that even many beautiful lights are held in deep darkness this time of year. (As seen on one of my neighbors’ house in Eldorado, New Mexico.)

Opportunities I’m noticing:

Waiting in stillness.

Receiving the gifts of solitude.

Embracing long shadows.

Slowing down.

Reflecting deeply into the night.

What about you? What are the sacred opportunities of this season for you?

As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below . . .

Happy Sacred Solstice!

2 thoughts on “How Do You Answer the Call of the Season?”

  1. Ken, I like your noticing that maybe your introspection is deeper this time of year because of the season!

    The Mask of Masculinity intrigues me . . .

    YES to the lights!

  2. I am being a bit more inwardly focused than my norm, but/and it might not be due to the season. A friend suggested the book, The Mask of Masculinity by Lewis Howes, and I have been looking to see what masks I wear and how often. Now, perhaps if it had come in the summer I might not be looking as deeply…

    I do love the lights!


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