Cindy Kirchhoff has declared today “Just Be Kind” day and she tied it into Cami Walker’s “29 Gifts in 29 Days” challenge.
If you’d like an uplifting focus and a positive mental attitude for today and the next 28 days, I highly recommend taking 6 or 8 minutes now to get started . . .
Here is my gift and contribution to Kindness today:
Path of Love
May I breathe into being fully present,
offering myself unconditional
attention, acceptance, appreciation,
affection and allowing.
May I gently release
judgment, fear, control and demands.
May I offer my love to everyone this way.
May I increasingly allow and receive
all the love that comes to me.
May I feel compassion
for those who are afraid to love,
even if they are lashing out.
May all beings find and choose
this path of love.