“Stop trying to get what you want from life and start bringing what you want TO it.
When I bring what I want to life, I experience what I want in life. No more waiting. No more hoping to be more alive. I choose to be it in the moment.”
– Jeff Patterson
I have been aware for awhile now, that to meet the man I would most love to spend the rest of my life with, I would first have to be that person. It’s no accident that I hired Jeff Patterson as my coach a few months ago! What a joy and what a challenge to constantly clarify and refine what’s most important to me – in me as a person and then in those with whom I am closest.
With my man, with my clients, with my friends and loved ones: what experiences do I most feel called to share?
Acceptance, connection, love and expression with some lightness and humor. And, truly seeing and hearing.
That poignant conscious relationship moment in which I
realize that all in my world may just be a reflection of me . . .
I am so happy to be involved in a new romantic relationship with a man who meets me in every one of those ways! And, recently, I realized that I had not been meeting him as well in the hearing department. He had told me something several times on several occasions that I had not allowed myself to hear.
I so badly had wanted him to feel differently more that I truly had wanted to hear how he does feel. And, in the moment of realizing that, I immediately did hear what he’s been trying to tell me. Because, as scary as it is to hear him, my devotion to truly hearing outweighs the fear. In my humanness of wanting to hear what I wanted to hear, rather than what he was actually saying, it did take me awhile, but I do now hear.
I guess that’s what devotion is all about: setting a course, noticing when I’ve veered off and then bringing my attention back to what I am devoted to – in this case, really hearing another person.
So how about you? What are you devoted to bringing to life?