Back in 1997 when I first became a coach, I loved the idea of helping people “make themselves better.”
Today, I see it a bit differently. We each already are so amazing. We don’t need to make ourselves better.
Can you imagine her thinking she were anything less than radiantly beautiful?
What I love now: creating the space that allows my clients to recognize and accept their own love and brilliance. I am so tickled when they experience spontaneous episodes of their own Divinity.
I know my work is good when they are kind to themselves. I know my work is good when I am kind to myself. I know we are making great progress when we talk more about relaxing and savoring than about striving and fixing.
(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within.”)
I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .
Yes to joy and compassion, indeed! Thanks for the acknowledgement and taking the time to write, Joan.
Ann, I’m eager to read more. LOVE the message and photograph. Yes to joy and compassion!