In the past week, I’ve had two people tell me about business opportunities that excited them. They wanted me to get involved because both of them involve network marketing. One involved a coaching product and another a health product. The products interested me. And, I’m looking for additional revenue streams that complement coaching to share with Thriving Coaches.
Yet the complexity and vagueness of the business model turned me off. If I don’t understand, how can I share it with anyone?
And, then I realized that I needed to just walk away.
One of my core values involves simplicity. Maybe others enjoy complexity. Those business opportunities would be best for them.
And how beautiful is that? No one has to be wrong. I gravitate to what is simple and clear. Someone else gravitates to what is complex and intricate.
I love having my core values guide me . . .
The more I grow personally and the more I support my coaching clients in their growth process, the more I notice that the most powerful thing we can do to creat our most fulfilling life: unabashedly love and accept ourselves. The more I live from my strengths, core values and quirky passions, the more I love my life and fill my own cup. And, then I have more to share with those who’s lives I touch.
What a beautiful, clear compass to guide me . . .