Spiritual Growth: Taking My Place

“The rest of creation is waiting, breathless,
for you to take your place.”
– David Whyte

2010 has been my year of “taking my place.”  Yet, I didn’t know that until late in the year, in November 2010.

Usually, around the Winter Solstice of the preceding year, I listen for guidance about my intention/theme for the upcoming year.  I did not receive one last year for 2010, even though I sat, listening on several occasions.

So, I let it go.

And, I hired a new coach to help me take my business to the next level.  I knew that I would grow in the process – of course my business growth would directly correlate to my personal growth.

And, I now know why I never received a theme for this year.  Both my personal growth and business growth has called forth more of the fullness of me in every way – more of my devotion, fierceness, lightness, love, courage, humility, discipline, detachment, playfulness, surrender, tenderness . . .  I have grown spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

Spiritual growth: self acceptance, self expression

While I probably won’t be climbing a rock wall this lifetime, this year I have sometimes felt like I had, indeed, made it to the top!

Some of the year, I have felt like a fumbling beginner, taking my first awkward steps.  Sometimes, I’ve felt as though I were scaling a sheer wall, without training.  At other times, I’ve felt sure I could leap tall buildings in a single bound . . .

Even with my awkwardness, I have a clarity, knowing and strength about who I am that I have never had before.  I am expressing myself more fully every day, often astonishing those who have known me a long time and sometimes even myself!

And, I am just beginning to sense the absolute freedom and joy in letting go of pretending, worrying, pleasing, resentment,
judgment . . .


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