The shortest route between you and all you desire involves asking yourself daily or moment-to-moment, “Who do I need to be to bring what I am committed to into reality?”
– Ann Strong, from the book “Thriving Work, 90 days of daily practice to transforming you and your coaching, consulting or healing business”
For the past six months, I have been committed to bringing the next version of my coaching business into the world. A much messier and more humbling process than I had imagined! It just occurred to me today that I might want to work through the workbook of my own book!!!
So, I began with an affirmative prayer from Chapter 1.
Radiant Wave of Oneness
I am a radiant wave in the
ocean of Oneness.
I am one with God.
I am all that God is
All I desire and need is mine,
easily and effortlessly –
as I am willing to receive
the love and abundance
of me, of the ocean of Oneness.
I am one with God, with good.
I am all that God is.
I am a radiant wave in the
ocean of Oneness.
I am love, power, beauty and mystery.
I am love, joy, peace and hope.
I am love, brilliance, health and wealth.
I am love and abundance.
I am God expressed.
I am a radiant wave in the
ocean of Oneness.
Who do I need to be to bring the next version of my coaching business into reality? I need to be love, power, beauty and mystery instead of being scared, tentative and needing to control. I need to be love, joy, peace and hope instead of being anxious and nervous about the process.
As I am bringing this new version of my coaching business
into form, almost daily I look to nature for clues. This
gorgeous red and green hill against this dynamic blanket
of clouds recently spoke to me. What does Mother Earth
and Father Sky want me to know?!?
I need to include you in my journey instead of waiting until I have it all figured out and can present you with something perfect!
I am considering starting a small coaching group of a few women who are each in the process of creating something new or reinventing themselves. If this speaks to you or piques your curiosity, simply email me, tell me a bit about what’s going on for you and we can schedule a time to chat.
If this fits a woman you love, please share this post with her!
Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences below.