Two Ways to Brilliantly and Divinely Transcend Ourselves

“As human beings we are made to surpass ourselves and are truly ourselves only when transcending ourselves.”
  ~ Huston Smith

Two ways to transcend ourselves: Brilliance and Divinity.

The human and personally unique: consistently growing, quantum leaping and expanding the boundaries of our service and contribution. The practice of our craft. Living and working beyond our own innocently self-imposed self-consciousness.

Ah, to transcend myself and experience Oneness with all of this . . .

Ah, to transcend myself and experience Oneness with all of this . . .

The Divine and Universal: going beyond our human limitations, accessing our innate Divinity and Oneness, where all things are possible.

                             To living our Brilliance and our Divinity . . .

2 thoughts on “Two Ways to Brilliantly and Divinely Transcend Ourselves”

  1. Thank you for leading the way to brilliant divinity! Or, is it divine brilliance….

    Either way, may the best of our humanity shine forth, and may we experience our inherent divinity!


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