What If We Are Here to Love?

“When next someone asks you, ‘Who are you?’ please do not give them a name. Do not say, ‘Well, I was born in a certain town in a certain part of the planet.” Do not tell them that you are a democrat, or a republican, or a communist, or an atheist or a catholic.”

Tell them the truth:
Who am I? I am the extension of Love in form.
I have never been born and I will never taste death.
I am infinite and eternal.
I shine forth as a sunbeam to the sun.
I am the effect of God’s Love.
And I stand before you to love you.

– From the book, The Way of Mastery, Part One: The Way of the Heart
By the Shanti Christo Foundation

The Way of Mastery, Part One: The Way of the Heart

“I stand before you to love you.” I read that and just melted into the desire to be that person. What would life be like if I simply loved each person around me? How would life change if I stood in a crowded room or drove on a busy highway and simply loved?

Without judgment, without qualifiers, without conditions, without exceptions and without needing reasons …

It feels so good as I ponder it. I’ll get back with you after I’ve spent some time practicing knowing I am that person and being that person!

Join the conversation – I’d love your insights and experiences below.

2 thoughts on “What If We Are Here to Love?”

  1. Beautiful! Elsewhere in the book they suggest spending 5 min each day imagining we are Christ Consciousness embodied, and the imagining you describe will fit into that perfectly for me. Thanks!


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