Strong from Within coaching
Has a big work or life transition shaken you?
Are you experiencing an identity change and feeling unclear about how to move forward?
Strong from Within coaching elicits clarity, confidence and certainty about the unique Brilliance of you and your work. Strong from Within coaching also creates the space for you to be yourself and be with yourself with love, acceptance, attention and appreciation.
Let’s talk about you, your life, your strengths and the contribution you’d love to make through your business or your work . . . my gift to you.
A bit about how I came to offering Strong from Within coaching
At the age of 15, I made my grandma a plaque that read, “We are what we make ourselves.”
Seeds of transformation.
Who knew? Precious, vibrant, 15-year-old me, apparently!
The elephant in the room that nobody’s talking about
What the wiser me has learned in the many years since then: there is always only one thing between any one of us and all we desire – discomfort.
Therefore, I start with a new client only after we’ve had a deep conversation and you’ve experienced my coaching. We need to agree that together we are a great fit, especially during the discomfort phase. Because when you and I align our commitment to doing what it takes to move through the discomfort, then you will naturally perceive and create a whole new world – all you desire . . . and then some!
Sadly, most people aren’t willing to hang in there through the discomfort preceding the discovery and transformation. Some won’t even start the process.
My coaching programs aren’t for everyone.
If we decide to work together, our coaching is focused and freeing – I am 100% committed to doing what we need to do to move you through the discomfort into the transformation.
The work requires the same high level of focus and commitment from you. The fastest way through the discomfort involves seeing through new eyes and taking inspired action from your new perspectives.
Do you have a sense this is true for you? Is now the time for you?
If you’d like to learn about Client Results from working with Ann, visit the Client Results page.
Strong from Within, one-on-one coaching
Strong from Within coaching starts with you. Then we address your life and work from this strong foundation of YOU. Your external circumstances look far less daunting when you are living from the inside out. A holistic approach to coaching creates new ways of thinking and new habits for a lifetime. I work with clients one-on-one, typically for a year to start. I’ve worked with many clients for several years, as they continue to find the coaching transformational and a high-return investment.
Skill-specific one-on-one coaching programs
If you would like to develop something specific for your business, I love to create highly effective, high return-on-investment, one-on-one coaching programs. They range in length from one to nine months. Each program is based on YOU, Strong from Within.
Program Areas
- Developing your niche
- Confidence and expertise
- Enrolling clients
- Branding
- Writing and blogging
- Writing and publishing your first book
- Speaking, webinars, workshops and retreats
- Living from the Genius of your StrengthsFinder® strengths
- Growing yourself and your business based on your Enneagram type
Many Strong from Within clients are small business owners because I came out of the womb excited about self-employment! I’ve been self-employed my whole life.
Many Strong from Within clients are business, career and life coaches. If you’d like to learn more about Mentor Coaching, click here.
All Strong from Within clients are making the world a better place. 🙂
The foundation of Strong from Within coaching is your top 5 natural strengths, from the StrengthsFinder® assessment:
The Strengthsfinder® assessment tells us your top 5 natural strengths – The Gallup® folks who developed the StrengthsFinder® assessment define a strength as “near perfect performance in an activity.” Engaging in a strength strengthens you. Engaging in a weakness weakens you.
“Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”
– Albert Einstein
Part of our coaching then focuses on growing you and your business based on your strengths and putting into place the three strategies to neutralize your weaknesses. The completely unique combination of your top strengths creates the recipe for your specific Brilliance, Strong from Within.
My own top strengths from my StrengthsFinder® assessment and what they mean in serving you:
- Maximizer
- Empathy
- Connectedness
- Activator
- Individualization
- Strategic
The short version of what this means about how I can help you:
- I love facilitating the transformation of strong (you) into superb you (more of you, more of the time).
- I am able to see the world through your eyes and your perspective.
- I know that we’re all connected and things happen for a reason.
- I get things started and move you to action!
- I love supporting you in the specificity of you and in living from your strengths and Brilliance (your strengths are the raw material of your Brilliance).
- I see patterns and help you to cut through the clutter to find the best way.
Take the StrengthsFinder® assessment yourself
To learn how to take the StrengthsFinder® assessment, click here.
My background, the short version
I bring to the table: a life-long commitment to my own spiritual growth, 22 years of coaching, consulting and mentoring, 39 years of successful self-employment and 37 years of teaching personal and professional development. Yes, I did start at the age of 20! After recently moving my mom into assisted living, I’m also contributing to a directory website that helps seniors and their families find assisted living facilities in the Denver metro area.
When I’m not coaching, speaking or writing, you’ll find me tromping through the woods or playing in the arroyo in the big “yard” that surrounds my magical home outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico, studying The Way of Mastery, catching fresh flakes on the ski slope or gleaning new perspectives from the wisdom of the land, sky, sun, moon and stars.
If you’d like the longer version, visit the About page.
If you’d like to learn about Client Results from working with Ann, visit the Client Results page.
Doing what we had previously thought impossible . . .
When we are tentative about ourselves, when we aren’t owning our Brilliance, when we think our Big Dream is just a pipe dream, we innocently limit ourselves and our contributions. And then we tell ourselves, “that’s just the way it is.” Until we can’t stand it anymore. Until we hear our soul urging us forward . . .
We were each born for something amazing and specific. Specific to our own unique strengths, core values, interests and passions and to our own desire to contribute in one-of-a-kind and unique ways.
I would love to help you uncover, discover, remember yours . . .
Schedule an initial Coaching Conversation for us to explore Strong from Within for you and determine if we are a great fit and/or if one of my coaching programs is right for you . . .
My gift to you –