Dear One, There Is Nothing Wrong with You

In the last week, three clients shared with me that they thought there was something wrong with them.

One woman thought she was depressed when she had simply lost sight of her purpose and mission. Another thought she was greedy for receiving a loan for her business. In fact, she was simply taking care of herself and her business. And, yet another kept getting upset with herself for not making more money in the past few months. She’s now developing a lower priced product that fits better for this new economy.

I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with them and there is nothing wrong with you. We are living in a radical new normal. And we still have the power to choose where we put our focus.

If you notice your thoughts tending toward, “There must be something wrong with me,” then close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now take another deep breath.

What can you focus on now that would be more life-affirming for you? Who can you connect with to bring some brightness to both your days? What can you do to take better care of yourself?

And please know that regardless of what you think about yourself, there is nothing wrong with you. You’re human. As a human, you are allowed to think less than helpful thoughts without believing the thoughts.

Dear One, There Is Nothing Wrong with You







When you witness those thoughts that you’re thinking, you might also notice that there are two of you. The human you who is thinking the thoughts and the Divine you who is holding you and witnessing the thoughts.

There truly is nothing wrong with you.

How Can We Know and Share Our Abundant Resourcefulness?

I’m in the process of deeply examining both my own beliefs and our cultural beliefs around money in an online course, True Prosperity, with Lynne Twist and Tammy White. Part of the foundation of the course is Lynne’s book, The Soul of Money. I read the book in 2003 when it came out.

A couple of years ago, I cleared out maybe two thirds of the books I had at that time. I kept only the ones that I could remember how I had shifted because of reading them. The Soul of Money made the cut because I remembered it helped me stay conscious about how our society tends to value money over people.

In this course now, I’m sitting with what Lynne calls 3 Toxic Beliefs:

  1. There’s not enough.
  2. More is better.
  3. That’s just the way it is.

One of the ways I’m focusing on shifting those beliefs for me involves a daily practice of finding and creating evidence that contradicts them. I’m noticing how quickly, “there’s not enough” turns into “I’m not enough” and “I’m not doing enough.”

When I hear inside me “I’m not enough” or “I’m not doing enough,” I use that as an opportunity to contemplate how I might like to know that I’m enough or what I might I like to share of my resources or resourcefulness. And, how can I do that from a place of loving myself rather than proving myself?

Sometimes I read a paragraph from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and become present in this moment. Sometimes I send money to my spiritual home, Agape, Michael Beckwith’s ministry, or to Black Lives Matter. Sometimes I give away stuff I no longer need. And today, I realized I wanted to share this idea of our abundant resourcefulness with you . . .

Agape Live – Streaming Archive







So what about you? How might you know and share your abundant resourcefulness today?