Melt Stress Now: Discipline yourself to ruthlessly follow these guidelines

You will melt stress now if you follow these guidelines. If you find yourself in a tough situation in which you haven’t been applying these principles, do not waste a moment belittling yourself. Simply begin again. And again and again until this process has become so deeply ingrained that you no longer need to consciously start it. You will then more consistently choose peace regardless of your circumstances . . .

May you be the peace, love and freedom you seek.

Previous – February 24
Melt Stress Now: Pay no attention to your mind.

Clearing Mind Clutter: Melt Stress Now: Pay no attention to your mind

If we aren’t living consciously and deliberately, we allow our minds to talk us into actions not in alignment with our highest and best good. The ideas serve our egos, rather than our God-selves. So, you must ignore seductive pleas like, “You cannot accept the unacceptable. You have to do one more thing. You will not love yourself in this situation. There is nothing positive here. Don’t you dare laugh . . .” Your mind (ego) desperately needs to feel in charge. It will stoically march to its death asserting its righteousness without a friend in the world. Don’t allow that to happen to you. Put Love in charge.

Previous – February 22
Melt Stress Now: Put Love in charge.

Next – February 29
Melt Stress Now: Discipline yourself to ruthlessly follow these guidelines.

Evoking the Best of You: Melt Stress Now: Put Love in charge

We can get caught up so quickly in needing to be right that we completely forget to love ourselves and others in the process. When you find yourself in a tough situation, ask yourself, “What would love do now?” Then, courageously follow Love’s guidance.

Previous – February 17
Melt Stress Now: Focus on something better.

Next – February 24
Melt Stress Now: Pay no attention to your mind.

Positive Mental Attitude: Melt Stress Now: Focus on something better

Too often when something upsets us, it becomes our whole world. All we can see: something awful. Since like attracts like, we attract (or notice) only more upsetting situations and the cycle continues. To free ourselves from this ugly pattern, we must focus on something better. What good can you notice and appreciate right now? What new project would you like to begin? What fun thing would you be doing right now if you weren’t wallowing in self-pity? Force yourself to move your focus from your confusing, overwhelming or upsetting situation and focus on something that helps you feel better right now.

Previous – February 15
Melt Stress Now: Find the humor.

Next – February 22
Melt Stress Now: Put Love in charge.

Stress Relief: Melt Stress Now: Find the humor

Taking ourselves too seriously can prove deadly. So, loosen up. Let go of your rigid position. Look for the absurdity, the fun, the craziness in your situation. And laugh. You cannot feel tense or unhappy while laughing. If you can’t find a shred of humor in your situation, then find it elsewhere. But, do find it.

Previous – February 10
Melt Stress Now: Choose your thoughts carefully.

Next – February 17
Melt Stress Now: Focus on something better.

Mindfulness: Melt Stress Now: Choose your thoughts carefully

To free ourselves from believing we’re unhappy because of the messes, we must change our thoughts, letting go of all thoughts that keep us in the mess. Then, we must relentlessly discipline ourselves to choose and sustain thoughts that allow us to feel peaceful and free regardless of our circumstances.

Possible starting points:

  • I choose to live in love rather than fear.
  • I am bigger than this.
  • I am free to choose whatever I desire in this situation.
  • Peace of mind is my only goal.
  • I’d rather be happy than right.
  • I can and will learn whatever I need to learn here.
  • I may not be able to control this situation. However, I can and will choose my response to it.

Previous – February 8
Melt Stress Now: Allow yourself to notice and embrace the positive.

Next – February 15
Melt Stress Now: Find the humor.

Attracting Clients: Coaching Expert Interviews: The First Three Steps to Making Money Online While You Sleep

A belated Happy 2012!

While I have been taking some time off to move my home and office, I have also been creating Thriving Coaches 2012.

As a life-long entrepreneur, I have had a bit of a lone-wolf tendency.  As the leader of Thriving Coaches, I came to realize during my personal 2012 visioning that I’m excited to better modeling partnering and collaborating.

We do not thrive when we try to do it all ourselves!

To celebrate having more fun and thriving by working more with others, we are replacing the Thriving Coaches roundtables that have been the foundation of the Thriving Coaches community since its inception in 2005.

Instead of me leading most of the roundtables, I will now periodically interview Coaching Experts who will support us in growing our coaching businesses and thriving!

I am so excited that our first interview is with one of my former coaching clients, Online Client Attraction and Cash Machine Expert, Kelly Harrington.

Kelly Harrington

I’ve invited Kelly to share her 3 Secrets to Overcome Technology Overwhelm so that you can attract clients and make money while you sleep.
If you are:

* Sick of letting your “online overwhelm” stop you from making more money and helping more people . . .

* Tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out how all of the online and automation puzzle pieces fit together . . .

Then join us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
2 to 3pm ET
(1pm CT / Noon MT / 11am PT)

Claim your (virtual) seat at to receive dial-in details and reminders.

Don’t miss this Thriving Coaches Expert Interview if you’re . . .

  • Frustrated that you’re not making money enough money
  • Overwhelmed and intimidated by technology and online systems
  • Stressed trying to do this whole “online thing” on your own
  • Struggling with the one-on-one model of helping your clients
  • Thinking there must be a better and easier way to master your online cash machine systems.

Kelly will share how she went from having no presence online to attracting clients, automating systems to save time and serve more, and adding thousands to her list and her income.

Here’s what’s possible for you, too:
“I’m a sole practitioner and I do not have IT support. Everything I do on the computer, I’ve had to figure out myself. I’ve done a lot of things but I’ve done it kind of like a man who cooks because he can . . . but he doesn’t know how to cook. Kelly’s systems and programs helped me figure out what to focus on first and set me up for an easy step-by-step process to follow. I now have a picture of the whole territory and how it all fits together.  I know for sure that Kelly really wants her other clients and me to really “get it” and wants us to succeed. She shifted my perception about what it’s like to do stuff online.”
-Beata Lewis, Executive Coach

Make 2012 your year to get all of those amazing ideas out of your head and out into the world in an easy breezy fashion that gets you results.

Register now to join us for this no-cost, high-value interview:
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
2 to 3pm ET
(1pm CT / Noon MT / 11am PT)

BTW – Kelly also has a special free gift for everyone who attends.
Here’s to your thriving coaching business!

P.S.  Kelly has this delightful, unique yin-yang blend of being a personable coach coupled with her IT geeky side. She would love to geek out for you so that you can have a thriving business now . . . not later.  Join us!

Conscious Choice: Melt Stress Now: Allow yourself to notice and embrace the positive

Now, we must begin to view our situations more broadly. What opportunities could spring forth from what you have until now considered a mess? What goodness surrounds you that has no involvement with the “mess?” If at first you can’t seem to find any good, start with the basics. Are you and your loved ones breathing and safe? Can you drink a glass of water if you feel thirsty? Do you have a comfortable bed to nap on if you feel tired? Can you sense your strong spiritual connection helping guide you through the mess?

Previous – February 3
Melt Stress Now: Love yourself silly.

Next – February 10
Melt Stress Now: Choose your thoughts carefully.

Conscious Choice: Melt Stress Now: Love yourself silly

Whenever we find ourselves in a tough spot, we tend to judge ourselves harshly. This, of course, does not help the situation. Not even a little. So, let it go. Love yourself silly instead. To help you do this, think of one of your favorite children – one of your own as a kid, a niece or nephew, a child of a friend, one of your grandchildren. Close your eyes and feel the joy and delight of simply spending time with this child. Notice your natural, overflowing love for this child. Allow that same love to wash over you. Give yourself the same unconditional love and acceptance you naturally give this child.

Previous – February 1
Melt Stress Now: Shift your attention.

Next – February 8
Melt Stress Now: Allow yourself to notice and embrace the positive.

Mindfulness: Melt Stress Now: Shift your attention

Whenever we feel paralyzed by mistakes or the horror we feel certain will come, we must immediately shift our attention. Remind yourself that there is always another way or another miracle. Do not allow your brain to engage with, “What if . . .” “I could do this one more thing . . .” “How could I . . .” “If only . . .” Continue to be here now, surrender to what is and breathe consciously and deeply – shifting your attention to breathing acceptance into the present moment.

Previous – January 27
Melt Stress Now: Breathe consciously and deeply.

Next – February 3
Melt Stress Now: Love yourself silly.