The cost of growing a thriving coaching business is high.
It requires that you give up your need to:
- look good
- please others
- politely avoid the truth
- constantly be nice
And, it requires that you give up your natural inclination to spend too much time focused on yourself, concerned about:
- not looking perfect
- not being good enough
- not knowing how . . .
The cost of growing a thriving coaching business: consistently choosing real courage even when you:
- feel self-conscious
- think you aren’t good enough
- fear you don’t know what you’re doing
The cost of growing a thriving coaching business: giving up the idea of unattainable perfection and replacing it with:
- walking your talk
- consistently doing your own inner work
- telling the truth to yourself and to your clients, even when it’s uncomfortable
- hiring your own coach
If you haven’t been consistently doing your own inner work, walking your talk or working your own coach, and yet you still know to the depth of your being that you are here to serve by coaching, then commit in this moment to doing what it takes to choose courage.
That choice and commitment makes you the kind of person that others would like to learn from, be supported by . . .
If you can’t or won’t walk your own talk, do your own inner work or hire your own coach right now, then be compassionate with yourself.
But don’t lie to yourself.
Tell yourself the truth. Kindly and firmly. And, then choose to do something else right now.
The cost of being a thriving coach is high.
It involves real courage.
Every day.
Choosing and committing again and again . . .
What can you do in this very moment to choose and commit and then take action?
* * * *
If you’d like to do something with me:
One-on-One Coaching Opportunity
I will have an opening in September to begin coaching, mentoring, consulting one-on-one with a new client.
Small Group Immersion Coaching, Mentoring, Consulting
I am also starting to have conversations with a few coaches who would like to receive intensive coaching, mentoring, consulting with me for 9 months in a small group of 3 to 5 coaches.
Both of these opportunities require your commitment to courage. Daily.
Even though the cost is high, the fulfillment is beyond anything you can imagine right now. Truly.
I am here to teach you how to serve clients so fully and so deeply that you offer them a life-changing experience of themselves that they have never had before. Serving clients in this way naturally grows your coaching business.
I can tell you from my own personal experience that serving in this way is more than worth the high cost of courage.
If either of these opportunities call to you, let’s talk. Call me on my direct line at 303.399.8737.
Here’s to thriving – the willingness to be courageous, even when it’s scary!
Lots of love to you!
P.S. Even if you’re not sure you’d like to coach with me or join a small coaching group right now, if you feel called to explore Living more courageously, let’s talk. Call me during my open office hour Fridays, 10 – 11 am MT . . .