Spiritual clarity: Allowing flow

“Imagine that you could plug yourself into a socket that would tap into the electric current of the universe.  Because source energy is indivisible and boundless, this would give you access to an unlimited supply of energy that only you could limit or stop its flow.  Well, in fact, you are plugged in, and you are responsible for the level of flow you experience.”

– Ernest Chu
From the book, Soul Currency

Oh what rich balm for my spirit as I realize I have been limiting my own flow recently!  While meeting with my coach, Peleg, I heard myself telling him about the “burden” of all I have to do in my business right now.  And, I was talking about things I love to do – like writing this blog, speaking, teaching.

Somehow playing on Twitter had become comparing myself to everyone on Twitter.  I wasn’t “doing enough,” I wasn’t offering anything new, I was just adding to the noise.

Don’t go down that road.  It doesn’t go anywhere any of us want to go!

By synching up with this comparison monster, what I really did: cut myself off from my flow, from source, from my spiritual clarity, from the deep knowing of the intrinsic value of my unique contribution. 

With this realization, I am BACK!  Back to me, back to my flow, back to my source, back in my own power, without concern for how I “measure up.”

Thank God!  Thank you, Peleg.  Thank you, Ernest.  Thank you, Ann. 

Business mentoring: The freedom of self-employment

Most of the people closest to me are self-employed.  So, I was caught off-guard this weekend while talking to a non-self-employed friend.  He mentioned how much he wished he had my job – the freedom to do it as I want, when I want.  Then, I remembered he had told me that a few months earlier and I’d barely heard him the first time.

I realized I take the freedom for granted.  Self-employed my entire life, I’m used to doing what I want, when I want, how I want.  I do love that.  And yet, it feels ordinary for me because it is my routine.  Interestingly, he didn’t even mention my favorite freedom – the freedom to do exactly what I’m best at and what I love to do most!  Maybe he doesn’t even know that’s possible.

As I was telling one of my friends about the conversation, she reminded me that most non-self-employed people long for the freedom of self-employment.  Yet most do little or nothing toward making that dream a reality.  

What does it really take?  I decided to explore that further.

Making the dream of the freedom of self-employment a reality

We must:

  • Believe it’s possible for us
  • Be willing to risk jumping into the unknown
  • Be willing to learn about the business of self-employment
  • Know or learn how to attract clients
  • Know or learn how to ask for the sale
  • Know our own strengths
  • Get help in our areas of weakness
  • Have a desire to offer a specific product or service
  • Create our own structures and systems
  • Create our own success teams
  • Practice life-long learning
  • Be able to live with uncertainty
  • Oversee all departments (even when we are the only person in the business): R & D, Accounting, Production, Marketing, Sales, Service . . .

Wow!  I’m sure I missed a few.  No wonder a person might be intimidated about self-employment!

What did I miss?  What makes it all worth it to you?  I will write more about that later for me!

Spiritual inspiriation: From the Fullness of You

“Pushed out of ourselves, we leave space for
Mystery, for the healing alchemy of God.”

– Sue Monk Kidd
From the book, When the Heart Waits

I have been sitting with this concept this week.
I love the idea of leaving space for Mystery,
yet I cannot seem to embody “the emptiness of me.”
I get it intellectually, yet the knowing of it
escapes me. So, I wrote this meditation focus / affirmative prayer
to solidify a bit of what I do know!

From the Fullness of You

Take time each day
to pull yourself away
from the madness and mayhem of the world,
from the relentless piles and to-do lists
and go within to recharge.

Skip through the park.
Talk with your God.
Commune with the trees.
Listen to the stars.
Play with your children.
Walk with your dog.
Write a poem.
Journal your sorrow.
Eat lunch with attention.

Be here.
Be here now.
From the fullness of you.

When you return to your lists and piles,
return from the fullness of you.

Be with your lists.
Be with your piles.

From the fullness of you.

Bringing to your lists and your piles:
Your God, the trees, the stars, your children and the dog.
Your poem, your sorrow and your attention.

From the fullness of you.



Marketing coaching: Answering the question, “How much do you charge?”

One of my coaching clients recently asked:

As I start my coaching practice and tell people what I am doing, sometimes right in the beginning of our conversation I get the question, “How much do you charge so I can tell my friends?”

I know that a lot of coaches don’t discuss fees until they have an introductory session and/or discussion so I’m wondering how you handle this sort of question upfront? Do you just tell them? Or do you tell them that you’ll discuss it with prospective clients as they schedule an intro session with you?

Thanks in advance for any insight or advice you can lend!

And, I answered:

That is such a great question!

It’s important to give the person in front of you a real answer so they feel comfortable telling their friend something.  And, it’s important to not just give one number that might sound hairy-scary.

So, I give a range, saying something like, “It totally depends which coaching program fits them best.  Anywhere from a self-study program at $59, to a group program at $195/mo to working directly with me one-on-one for $595/mo.”

For some reason, people really like the idea of “coaching programs.”  I think it helps them see coaching as tangible.  So, the $59 self-study e-seminar is one coaching program, the $195/month 90-day course and group coaching is a second coaching program and coaching with me one-on-one for $545 or $595/mo (depending on if they choose to pay for 6 months in advance or by the month) is a third coaching program.

Spiritual inspiration: My personal essence statement

A few months ago, I wrote a “guiding light” for me and how I serve the world. It has brought me so much comfort, always reassuring me about the essence of me and what I have to offer.

I’m sharing it with you now, so that if you feel inspired you may use my personal essence statement “template” for spiritual inspiration and write your own.

Here’s mine:

Ann’s essence statement

I am fully present with:

  • My Self
  • My beloved
  • Loved ones
  • Clients
  • Those I encounter
  • All of nature that calls to me

With my:

  • Love
  • Clarity
  • Generosity
  • Playfulness
  • Focus
  • Grounding
  • Beauty ways
  • Inspiration
  • Truth
  • Empowerment
  • and Strength.

I am present
to the energy
of each of us
and our combined energy;
where it’s flowing
and where it’s stagnant.

In each moment,
I discern
what’s called for
to more fully experience
and flow . . .

Now it’s your turn

To write yours, fill in the blanks:

I am fully present with:
(Fill in who and what you most love to be present with.)

With my:
(Fill in your best qualities.)

I am present to:
(Fill in the way(s) you love to engage and serve.)

In each moment:
(Fill in what you naturally do consistently that is almost always helpful to the situation.)

Have fun with this! And, after you write yours, do post it here to share with others . . .