Marketing coaching: Answering the question, “How much do you charge?”

One of my coaching clients recently asked:

As I start my coaching practice and tell people what I am doing, sometimes right in the beginning of our conversation I get the question, “How much do you charge so I can tell my friends?”

I know that a lot of coaches don’t discuss fees until they have an introductory session and/or discussion so I’m wondering how you handle this sort of question upfront? Do you just tell them? Or do you tell them that you’ll discuss it with prospective clients as they schedule an intro session with you?

Thanks in advance for any insight or advice you can lend!

And, I answered:

That is such a great question!

It’s important to give the person in front of you a real answer so they feel comfortable telling their friend something.  And, it’s important to not just give one number that might sound hairy-scary.

So, I give a range, saying something like, “It totally depends which coaching program fits them best.  Anywhere from a self-study program at $59, to a group program at $195/mo to working directly with me one-on-one for $595/mo.”

For some reason, people really like the idea of “coaching programs.”  I think it helps them see coaching as tangible.  So, the $59 self-study e-seminar is one coaching program, the $195/month 90-day course and group coaching is a second coaching program and coaching with me one-on-one for $545 or $595/mo (depending on if they choose to pay for 6 months in advance or by the month) is a third coaching program.

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