How to Easily Change a Habit without Willpower. Really.

I have just finished reading a phenomenal book that will revolutionize our ability to live fulfilling lives. While I realize that’s a bold statement, it actually seems like an understatement to me.

“The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit”

Amy Johnson’s new book, “The Little Book of Big Change: The No-Willpower Approach to Breaking Any Habit” just came out last month. Amy describes both the spiritual and scientific foundation of habits in a clear, easy to understand and compelling way.

The book addresses both behavioral habits like gambling, lashing out at a loved one and overeating as well as thought-based habits like fear of heights, thinking others are judging us and thinking something bad is going to happen.

She points out that when we’re frustrated about yet again returning to a habit, we are not self-sabotaging, but rather attempting to take care of ourselves. It’s our best effort at self-love in that moment.

She then guides us through seeing that all of this is an innocent misunderstanding. The more we become aware that all habits come from thought, we develop the ability to pause before acting on the thought or continuing with more thinking about the thoughts.

As we pause more and more, we break down the hard-wired pathway between urge and the knee-jerk response. Oh, freedom.

If there is any habit you’d like to break, do yourself a huge favor and read this book.

If you’d like coaching support in implementing this deceptively simple approach to changing your life, I have 3 appointments available in the next week. Visit my online calendar to schedule an appointment for a Coaching Conversation:

We’ll take 30 – 40 minutes to explore if we both feel we’d be a good fit for me to serve as your coach.

I am so excited for everyone who wants to make changes to have this understanding!

How to Be at Ease with Yourself and Do Great Work

“All you really need to do is accept this moment fully. You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Practicing the Power of Now

For many years I sought coaching for myself and coached my clients around being less self-conscious. This felt important because we don’t serve our clients well when we feel concerned about saying or doing the right thing. We don’t do our best work when we are thinking about what others are doing and if we measure up.

I became practiced at willfully putting my attention on my clients, on my work, instead of on myself. So did many of my clients. That shift did help us do better work. And, it was missing something.

Willing something into place doesn’t allow much ease.

So now, instead of willing things into place, I am softening to whatever the moment holds. If I notice my internal self-talk is self-conscious, I acknowledge it without trying to will it into being different.

Whenever I need help softening, I connect with this pure love kitty, Jasmine,  who is never far from me!

Whenever I need help softening, I connect with this pure
love kitty, Jasmine, who is never far from me!

It is miraculous what 30 or 60 seconds of softly and lovingly accepting what is naturally shifts me into being at ease with myself. I then am able to be fully present to whatever is and to do amazing work in the moment.

Two Ways to Brilliantly and Divinely Transcend Ourselves

“As human beings we are made to surpass ourselves and are truly ourselves only when transcending ourselves.”
  ~ Huston Smith

Two ways to transcend ourselves: Brilliance and Divinity.

The human and personally unique: consistently growing, quantum leaping and expanding the boundaries of our service and contribution. The practice of our craft. Living and working beyond our own innocently self-imposed self-consciousness.

Ah, to transcend myself and experience Oneness with all of this . . .

Ah, to transcend myself and experience Oneness with all of this . . .

The Divine and Universal: going beyond our human limitations, accessing our innate Divinity and Oneness, where all things are possible.

                             To living our Brilliance and our Divinity . . .

What’s It Like to Remember Our True Nature?

A couple of weeks ago, I gave a talk at church about reading and experiencing the material in the book, A Course of Love.

I choose to talk about this because I know that in this very moment, each of us is so much more than we are currently expressing. Somewhere inside each of us, we know that we are more than our physical, human experience.

In the talk, I share some of my own recent experiences beyond my own physical, human nature …

If you’d like to hear the talk, click the microphone (20 minutes).
