What Would You Love to Be Freed From?

I’ve partnered with my new friend Jyoti, and I’m excited to share this timely opportunity with you!

I’d love to have you join us if you feel called.

Here’s how Jyoti describes our adventure .  . 

It is Time for a PURGE … RELEASE … LETTING GO … of ALL that is no longer Expanding, Serving, Inspiring, or Supporting us in Living Our Destiny …

Our Magnificent, Miraculous Life Purpose, Passion, and Power is Calling!

And, I have someone Amazing to Introduce You to today! (see below!) With an opportunity to Receive Our Deep Support in Permanent Release of all that must go … while OPENING to Miracles … and Joining in Community Together!

Ready to Release button

Okay … Vulnerable Share … by Jyoti

I have Rediscovered the Miraculous Art of Sacred Release along with the MIRACLES that FLOOD into Our Life when We act with Courage, Self Love and Self Devotion …


Out of an URGENT Heart Calling to LIVE and THRIVE … I released/divorced/annulled the man I deeply wanted to BE my Precious ONE … I needed to do this to SAVE MY LIFE … Seriously!!! I will share the unbelievable story with You inside our Private Program. I Am Healing My Tender Heart … in Joyous Process of Releasing, And also Now … Letting go of all that has held me back, hurt me, limited what is possible for me, and kept me small, hindered, stuck, compromised … I am releasing things, people, ways of being, habits, and limitations in all areas of my Life! I am Gratefully and Joyously Recovering my Magical, Innocent, Miraculous Self!

We are also in the Middle of Moving from our Family Home of 6 Years … packing the essentials, discarding, releasing, giving away, refining, Completing … including the completion of an IRS Audit.

By Miraculous Divine Daughter Intervention … I met and began receiving so much Wonderful Grounding Support from My Dearest Ann Strong … So Powerful and Profound our connection and support for each other, we decided to Offer our Combined Support for You!

JOIN Us and We will Support and Miraculously Assist You (and even share tender video moments of Letting go) … as I, Jyoti, Open the Field for YOU to Fully Experience the MIRACLE, JOY and FREEDOM that emerges through the Miraculous Art of Sacred Release, While Ann Supports You in Grounding, Stabilizing, and Nurturing Your New Life!

Together … we can do this with Honor … in Sacred Support and Sacred Witness of Each Other in Letting go together! You are not alone in this … and as we Release … we Receive the Support of our Come-Unity of Love!

Let Go and Be FREED into All You have been holding at bay, and inaccessible with your grip on the old … (Hint … Its ABUNDANCE, LOVE, JOY, UNITY, SUPPORT, EXPANSION, BLISS, NEW LIFE! and more … )

Join with Us to Access the Miraculous Art of Effortless Release as we Dance Through Our Deepest Letting Go … while Making Space … Opening to Receive the Miracles, Love, Abundance, Support, Community, Alignment, and Expansion and Grounding Awaiting us Now!

There is only ONE thing in the way between You and the Miracle You Seek! Together we shall Love, Honor, and Release it Free!

Join Us?

Miracles Await!

In Love and Devotion to You and Your Best Life,

Jyoti Amma Sophia
Ann Strong

PS… We want to see your videos of Sacred Release too! … It’s part of our Program … we will have a Private Facebook Group to share and witness each other! Its only $444! And, You get a Community of Love and Support too!!

YES! I AM READY TO MASTER THE MIRACULOUS ART OF SACRED RELEASE NOW! and Join in a Community Who Loves and Supports Me!

Ready to Release button

This Will Make You Get Your Business Back on Track Now

If you don’t get your business running smoothly, which is worse, you not making the unique contribution you are here to make or your potential clients not getting the value of your unique contribution? Who wants to have to answer that question?!?

So here’s the thing.

When you can articulate with crystal clarity WHY you do what you do, your WHY will push, pull and drag you to resolve whatever’s in the way of your thriving business.

Inspiring and urging us to freedom
from our innocently self-created prisons
so that we may be more fully ourselves
and make our unique contributions to the planet.

Many of our self-created prisons were innocently created at a time of unresolved loss. Sometime when we were super young and felt abandoned, unloved or worthless. Other times, later in life around a break-up or a death.

If you’ve experienced a recent break-up, death or loss, that certainly doesn’t mean it’s unresolved. You’re grieving and have the opportunity even in the grief to find the good.

So what about you? Do you know, absolutely know, your business can be more, serve more?

If so, I’d love to offer you a Business Back on Track breakthrough session. There’s no charge for this session ~ it’s my gift. Click here now to book and apply.

We’ll get on the phone for 45 – 60 minutes and specifically look at where you are now and where you’d like to be.

If I feel you might be a great candidate for my brand new 10-week Business Back on Track by Receiving the Gift of Loss program, we can talk about that at the end of your session.

This Will Make You Get Your Business Back on Track Now

Because it isn’t for everyone.

I help business owners who:

  • Do extraordinary work, providing a needed service.
  • Approach life and work in a light, playful, open and deep way, even through broken-heartedness.
  • Are decisive and committed to their own transformation and making the greatest contribution of their business, while using updated technology like eGoldFax providing e-faxing services for their enterprise.

If you believe it’s possible to find the genuine gifts in challenge and/or loss and allow them to transform you and your business, then book and apply to be considered for one of the Business Back on Track breakthrough session.

As always, post your comments and experiences below …

Why Do You Need to Know How to Release Certainty?

Every time we are certain of something, we narrow our world.
“I can’t go hiking with you today because it’s too hot.”

I’m certain it’s too hot and I’m certain that too hot is “bad” for me, therefore I will stay home. If I might like to go hiking, but think it’s too hot, what happens if I remain open and curious?

Maybe I’ll go and take extra water. Maybe I’ll be willing to go for a short time. Maybe I’ll go, hike a bit and then sit in the shade. Maybe I’ll notice I don’t need certain conditions to be happy, to enjoy the day.

Why Do You Need to Know How to Release Certainty?
Me creating my own shade on a day that was probably too hot for me!

What if I avoid a specific person because I’ve decided she’s too shallow? What if she then tells me something deep and meaningful? What if I then notice I feel connected to her? What if I notice my certainty had kept me away from her for years?

What if you won’t grow your business because you’re not good at sales? What if you notice that you are the one who decided you’re not good at sales? What if you open to the infinite possibilities around how to sell? What if you release your certainty about sales and a used car salesmen being one and the same?

We might want to learn how to release certainty to give ourselves the gift of richer, fuller, more meaningful and expansive lives.

Okay, so how do we release certainty? I do often get too hot, I don’t like superficial and you’re not good at sales.

Wow, look how definitive are each of these statements. They sound like absolute truths when, in actuality, they are preferences or tendencies.

What would happen if I allowed myself to enjoy my life whether I’m “too hot” or just the right temperature? How might my life shift if I was curious about the person in front of me, instead of having already decided who she is? How might your business grow if you expanded your view of sales?

What if we accepted and embraced life on life’s terms instead of demanding our list of certainties?

As we begin to hear our selves say, “I can’t,” “I don’t like . . .,” “That’s not me,” we give ourselves the opportunity to release certainty in favor of openness and curiosity. As we notice our self-created suffering around not having our preferences, we can make a new choice in the moment to be happy anyway.

Perhaps a new perspective on “having it all?!?”

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas . . .

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for transforming stress and overwhelm into clarity and purpose”)

What If You Have the Key to Your Freedom?

“So oftentimes it happens that we live our lives in chains
That we never even know we have the key . . .”
~ Lyrics from Already Gone, Eagles

Earlier today one of my clients sent me these lyrics because they reminded her of some of our coaching conversations. The Eagles were my sister’s favorite band when we shared a room in the mid seventies. I’ve probably heard that song a thousand times and never heard those lyrics on their own.

It’s strange that I had never picked out those specific lyrics because they are meaningful to me. The foundation of my life purpose involves helping us free ourselves from our innocently self-created prisons. Thank you Eagles for planting seeds in my teenage psyche!

So what is this key?

Over and over again, as I grow and evolve and as my clients grow and evolve, I see that the less involved we are with the content of our thoughts, the more free we are.

When we recognize there is actually a witness to all these thoughts – and that we are that witness – we begin to realize we may not be as crazy as we have feared. Indeed, we tend to have some crazy thinking, but we are not that. We are the witness of that.

And, when we recognize that we can choose to not engage with trying to take care of all the problems that seem to be in our thoughts, we have freed up a whole bunch of time and energy for living.

What If You Have the Key to Your Freedom?
Ah, to living!

Imagine if we never again tried to answer the question, “I wonder what he is thinking about me?” Or, if we simply noticed that we were once again upset for being upset but allowed ourselves be okay with it. Nothing to fix. Or, we started to rehearse what we were going to say and realized we didn’t need to rehearse.

So, what about you? What if you are not your thoughts? What if you don’t have to fix the problems of your thoughts? What if you don’t have to attempt to control every aspect of your existence? What if you notice that your true identity is part of All That Is? And that life is organizing itself beautifully without addressing all that repetitive thinking inside you?

What a glorious key to our freedom . . .

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for transforming stress and overwhelm into clarity and purpose”)

How to Create a Stress-Free Zone in Our Lives

I learned earlier this week that my car needs a new engine. And, I learned this the way I learn many things – experientially.

Sitting on the side of the road waiting for AAA, I realized that, as we always do, I had a choice. I didn’t have the choice I wished I had – choosing my car to get back on the road, drive to Whole Foods and then drive home.

I did have the choice of where to focus my thoughts and attention. My human inclination was to think of all of the things I should have done differently in the past to have created a different future.

And then I heard, clear as could be, “we spend our lives trying to manipulate the future to correct the past.” In that moment, as I felt the cool evening breeze coming in the car window, I realized the insanity of that.

How to Create a Stress-Free Zone in Our Lives
How rich are our lives when we truly receive the moment, moment by moment?

We have the opportunity in any moment, no matter how much we assess the situation as “bad,” to receive the gifts of the present.

When we are willing to let go of our thoughts about the past or the future, we create a stress-free zone in the present. When we are willing to focus on what is right in front of us, we don’t need to manipulate or change anything. How freeing is that?

(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for transforming crisis into clarity and purpose”)