Author’s Note:
Three months ago, in the January 11, 2011 issue of Sacred Space Notebook, I introduced the concept of Committed or Considering. In that issue, I also publicly declared my commitment to writing two hours each day for 40 days to get my new book written so that it could be published in 2011.
If you missed that issue, read it here.
I am proud and happy to announce that it goes to the editor today! Now that’s the power of commitment!!! This is after starting to write the book in 2002.
Commitment works.
Here’s your next installment about Commitment from the book:
Committed or not committed: either is valid for any decision in any area of your life. Where it can get tricky: being muddy or fudging on which is actually true for you.
Transformation: Sometimes commitment requires prayerful contemplatation before you commit . . .
Considering works in the short-term, as you determine what you will or won’t commit to. A life or lifestyle of considering tends to be ineffective.
As you are making decisions, big or small, begin to get real with yourself about what is true for you.
Maybe you’d like to schedule two speaking engagements each month. If you’d “like to” then you are considering. If your coach asks you to state your commitment, maybe as you are contemplating your commitment, you realize that you are committed to scheduling one speaking engagement each month, and two would be great. So there it is: you are committed to scheduling one speaking engagement each month. You would consider a second a bonus.
Or, you may decide you are not committed to scheduling any speaking engagements right now. So the answer to speaking engagements is “no.” Maybe that “no” frees you to commit to attending two networking events each month.
On a daily basis, start to notice at least one decision a day to determine: committed, considering or “no.” As you get crystal clear on small decisions in the moment (committing to the turkey sandwich, no on the roast beef), you tone your muscle for bigger, scarier commitments. Give yourself some time to contemplate big decisions. Prayerfully contemplate and then commit to “yes” or “no.”
Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Thriving Work: 90 days of daily practice for transforming you and your business.” Copyright 2011.
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