Which of Your Friends Are Experiencing Loss and Grief?

It can be hard to know how to support someone through grief.  And, when you do offer support, it makes a HUGE difference to that person to know you care.

I’ve got two excellent resources here for you to share with them.

Which of Your Friends Are Experiencing Loss and Grief?

1. A comprehensive, super-helpful article, written by three compassionate mental health professionals:
Coping with Grief and Loss
Understanding the Grieving Process and Learning to Heal
By Melinda Smith, M.A., Lawrence Robinson, and Jeanne Segal, Ph.D.

It’s a bit long. And, it can easily be read in small chunks.

Click here to access article.

2. If your friend runs their own business, a Good Grief, Business Back on Track Clarity session with me – no cost, my gift.
I will help them get clear about receiving the good in grief which will point them toward how to keep their business running smoothly during this challenging time.

If they want further support from me, we can talk about that, too. If not, that’s totally cool also.

Click to schedule a session.

As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below…

How to Love Putting Yourself Out There Even If You’ve Hated It Before

Most coaches, solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and small business owners hate marketing and sales. And, it doesn’t take long for them to no longer be in business.

The ones who stick with it and grow a thriving business realize that great marketing and sales isn’t about them, their company or their service. The same is true for you. Your super effective marketing and sales is not about you. Let me repeat that: it’s not about you.

When all of your marketing, sales and conversations with potential clients focuses on them – the potential clients – you may just find yourself having a great time.

Why did you start your business in the first place? What do you want, really want, for your clients? Why do they want what you have to offer? How does your service or product make their life better? Way better?

How to Love Putting Yourself Out There Even If You've Hated It Before

If you notice you’re talking about yourself, your training, your awards, your invention, your process, your program, your cool product or your excellent price point, stop yourself mid-sentence. Apologize. Then start over and ask them about their problem, needs, hopes and desires.

After you’ve had all potential client conversations that way for awhile, then let me know how you feel about marketing and sales . . .

As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below …

Is Self-Love Actually Selfish?

The first definition of “selfish” on Dictionary.com: devoted to or caring only for oneself. Reading this, a few questions come to mind for me.

What if we take out the “only?” Devoted to or caring for oneself. What if we look at it from the viewpoint that we are all One? Devoted to and caring for oneself is then, in fact, caring for All? What if we take out the idea of my self interest is more important than your self interest? What if it isn’t either/or?

And, maybe most importantly, if every single person on the planet were devoted to taking good care of themselves, how much might that reduce struggle, fighting and hate? If I tend my own garden, maybe I don’t have to judge yours?

Right now, several of my clients are devoted to taking better care of themselves. Coaching them has taken me to the next deeper and expanded level of my own self-love.

From that, this new piece came forward.

Is Self-Love Actually Selfish?


I love loving me.

I love valuing and appreciating me.

I love delighting in and cherishing me.

I love showing myself I matter deeply.

I love hearing me, seeing me, understanding me.

I love attending to me.

I love devoting time to me.

I love noticing and affirming me.

I love championing me.

I love loving the entire Universe that is me.

I love loving the entire Universe as me.

I love loving me.

As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below …