Thriving Coaches: What causes you to?

“As the sunflower naturally looks toward the sun
And the begonia naturally thrives in the shade.

As the flowers do not tell themselves
That they “should” be able to thrive in the shade
when they need the sun,
Or try to thrive in the sun
when its rays cause them to wilt,

I, too, allow myself to thrive where I thrive,
Without trying to make myself engage
in that which drains me.”

– Ann Strong
From “Doing Only Me”
In the book, Thriving Work

Thriving Work

Yesterday, during her coaching session, one of my clients was thrilled to put in place “some structure in which to flow.”  In the process of discovering what naturally and specifically causes her to thrive, she realized something that almost didn’t make sense.

Structure to allow flow.  Hmmm . . .

How great is that?  That is exactly what she needs.

What about you?  As you are creating and discovering your thriving coaching business, what naturally and specifically causes you to thrive?

I invite you to share your thoughts and insights in the Comments section below.

To your thriving coaching business,

P.S. If you’d like a process for discovering what naturally and specifically causes you to thrive, get your copy of Thriving Work: 90 days of daily practice for transforming you and your coaching, consulting or healing business.

Spiritual Growth: On the Road to Our Best Selves . . .

In the past few weeks, I’ve supported three clients through really tough stuff – family violence; drawn-out illness and death of her mother and then immediately the same pattern with her father; and a suicide.  I’ve also supported several clients as they embark on amazing new journeys – getting married; publishing an 86-page ebook in two weeks to give to an audience of 600+ people; filming a tv show; beginning to write a book for personal healing; and getting her first client.

Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Growth, Transformation, Best of You

Sometimes the only way we can become more of the best of ourselves involves overcoming adversity.

While these experiences may seem like they are at opposite ends of the spectrum, I have a sense they aren’t as disparate as they appear.  The sacred energy of this time – 2012 – is calling us to clear and release and complete and to step into more of all of who we are, our true selves, our best selves.

I myself have had several seemingly unrelated physical health challenges and an almost obsessive need to clean and clear clutter.  And, I don’t even have much clutter.  I sense I am being “groomed” for something I don’t entirely yet understand.  

What I do know: I’ve had many opportunities to be more patient with myself.  I’ve had many opportunities to accept more unknowns than I’m comfortable with.  I’ve been called to many opportunities for personally extending more love to myself and to more other people than ever before.  

All of these opportunities add up to an opportunity to deepen my spiritual practice.  And, so I have.  To do anything else would seem a bit insane!  And, of course, as I deepen my spiritual practice, I access more of my best self . . .

Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Growth, Transformation, Best of You

Sometimes we become more of the best of ourselves with amazing grace and ease.

What about you?  What have you noticed in your personal world and in the immediate world around you lately?

I invite you to share your own responses and experiences in the Comments section below.

Transformation: What may be causing you to be wired and tired

Recently after yet one more client told me about their “strange” symptoms – all of which I also had experienced in the past few weeks – I decided to find out what was going on.

We, me and many of my clients, have been experiencing intense symptoms, emotional, mental and physical.

  • Grief and sadness out of nowhere
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Feeling like we drank 20 cups of coffee and feeling exhausted at the same time
  • Heart palpitations
  • Loss of words when speaking
  • And the list goes on . . .

I have come to understand that solar flare activity is not only affecting the Earth, but also affecting us, the people on the Earth!

Solar flares, Stress relief, releasing fear, Transformation, Spiritual Growth, Best of You

Solar flare activity from the sun affects us physically,
emotionally and mentally . . .

If any of this resonates with you or with what you’re hearing from clients, I urge you to read this clear and informative article by Heather Carlini.

What she doesn’t address well: what to do about it.  She mentions getting extra rest, drinking lots of water and knowing “this too shall pass.”

That was not sufficient for me!

As an experiential learner, I have now tried (and continue trying) many possible “remedies.” 

In addition to Heather’s suggestions, here’s what I’ve found working best for me and my clients:

  • Anything that grounds you – walking, eating heavier foods, visualizing your “roots,” laying on the ground, practicing yoga, deep breathing.
  • Slowing down. Planning for some down time.
  • Getting present.  Taking three deep breaths before you get in the car, go into that meeting, talk with your teenager.
  • Allowing any and all emotions without judgment.  Recognizing that they are coming up now to clear out of your system.
  • Vigilantly refraining from “trying to find” the cause of the anxiety, depression, sadness, etc.  Attaching thoughts to the emotion tends to needlessly exacerbate the intensity.

To our thriving – even through the eye of the storm!

Lots of love to you and your clients,

P.S.  If you and your clients have had success with moving through these “eruptions,” please post your experiences below in the comments area.

As coaches we are leaders.  Let’s gently lead ourselves and our clients through these heat storms.

If you’d like more support yourself, feel free to call me on my direct office line 303.399.8737.