Every day for the past several days, I have been noticing anything I feel scared or anxious about and transforming it. Working with the simple yet powerful concept that I already have everything I need inside me, I notice what’s causing the fear or anxiety and then find a way to know it from the inside rather than expect it from the outside.
I’d love to share a bit of my process so that you can use this transformation tool, too.
For example, in my business, I got scared and anxious when I felt enough money wasn’t coming in. So, I asked myself: why do I want the money? What do I believe the money will give me? I want the money to pay my bills. I believe the money will give me security. Okay, how can I feel, how can I be security right now?
I don’t have to wait long for the intuitive answer to come to my conscious awareness. Spending a few minutes laying on the ground, under a tree, being with the sky though the leaves of that tree helps me instantly feel plugged into All That Is and I feel secure. Wow. Easy. Doable. Highly effective. Sure beats the alternative of panicking!
An example from my personal life: I felt sad and scared when it seemed that a friend was “abandoning” me in a moment in favor of another friend. Okay, why do I want my friend to “choose me?” What do I believe me being chosen will give me? I want to be chosen to demonstrate I’m valuable. When I’m chosen, I feel important. I feel I matter to that person. Okay, how can I feel valuable, important and that I matter right now?
A couple of answers come to mind. I have taken the time to put the focus on me and what’s going on with me. I am valuing myself, prioritizing myself and indicating to myself that I matter to me! And, I have many friends. If I would like to spend time with a friend, I can value that experience for me and reach out to another friend. Wow. I know I matter and I feel valuable and important.
My whole life becomes better in two ways when I transform these “yucky” feelings. First, I get to feel and be what I desire – secure and valuable, no matter what’s going on or what others around me do or don’t do. Secondly, I am now in the energy of “security” and “valuable,” so I naturally attract more experiences of security and valuable, including more money flowing in and more friends who treat me like I am important to them!
I am so jazzed about this transformation process right now, I am considering teaching a 3-week, 1-hour each week tele-class for $89.
I would love your input.
What about this tele-class might interest you? If you took it, what would you most love to take away from it at the end of the 3 weeks?
Please take a moment to comment and give me the thoughts off the top of your head. Thanks in advance!