How Can We Know and Share Our Abundant Resourcefulness?

I’m in the process of deeply examining both my own beliefs and our cultural beliefs around money in an online course, True Prosperity, with Lynne Twist and Tammy White. Part of the foundation of the course is Lynne’s book, The Soul of Money. I read the book in 2003 when it came out.

A couple of years ago, I cleared out maybe two thirds of the books I had at that time. I kept only the ones that I could remember how I had shifted because of reading them. The Soul of Money made the cut because I remembered it helped me stay conscious about how our society tends to value money over people.

In this course now, I’m sitting with what Lynne calls 3 Toxic Beliefs:

  1. There’s not enough.
  2. More is better.
  3. That’s just the way it is.

One of the ways I’m focusing on shifting those beliefs for me involves a daily practice of finding and creating evidence that contradicts them. I’m noticing how quickly, “there’s not enough” turns into “I’m not enough” and “I’m not doing enough.”

When I hear inside me “I’m not enough” or “I’m not doing enough,” I use that as an opportunity to contemplate how I might like to know that I’m enough or what I might I like to share of my resources or resourcefulness. And, how can I do that from a place of loving myself rather than proving myself?

Sometimes I read a paragraph from Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and become present in this moment. Sometimes I send money to my spiritual home, Agape, Michael Beckwith’s ministry, or to Black Lives Matter. Sometimes I give away stuff I no longer need. And today, I realized I wanted to share this idea of our abundant resourcefulness with you . . .

Agape Live – Streaming Archive







So what about you? How might you know and share your abundant resourcefulness today?

What Is the Positive Antidote for Anxiety and Fear?

With a serious virus circling the planet and all of the financial, social, and day-to-day impacts to our lives, we are in uncharted territory.

Of course the unknown can feel scary. Worrying makes it worse. What can we do to ease fear and anxiety?

I had to first ask myself this question. Here’s what’s been working for me.

Practicing mindful choosing.

When you become aware of feeling fearful or anxious, choose to put your focus on something that feels better, and true to you.

For me, I started by shifting my focus away from my retirement savings losing value. I’ve instead focused on not needing that money soon and remembering there is time for it to grow again.

I’ve gotten outside more. Feeling the solidity of Mother Earth beneath my feet, the wind in my hair, and the sun on my face. I’m taking more pictures of nature, focusing on all the gifts that surround me.

The half moon rising above Gore Range, across from Beaver Creek Ski Resort in Colorado

The half moon rising above Gore Range,
across from Beaver Creek Ski Resort in Colorado

And, I’ve been meditating and praying for calm energy for me and for anyone else who needs it too. I’ve also been more patient and kinder, with myself and with those around me.

Maybe most importantly, when I notice I’m fearful or anxious, I stop what I’m doing and simply witness the fear and anxiety. At the same time, I give myself some positive attention, allowing the fear and anxiety to be melted by love.

Practicing mindful choosing – it’s called a Practice for a reason. We may not do it perfectly, but every time we mindfully choose something that feels better, we give ourselves a gift and make the world a better place.

What if Where You Focus Determines the Quality of Your Life?

Perception | Spiritual Business Coach Denver, Santa Fe

What do you see? The light, fluffy, hopeful clouds in the middle? The sunshine way off in the distance? The ominous, dark clouds at the top?

I love this photo as a metaphor for life. Or more accurately, how we think about and perceive life.

Do I want to focus on and worry about the possible storm? In this moment, will I choose the hope and joy of the light, bright fluffy clouds? Will I look for the radiant sun, even if off in the distance?

Or, if I can’t see the sun at all, will I remember that it is always shining? If I can see only a dark and stormy threat, can I give myself love and compassion in that moment? And, know that, “this too shall pass?”

What about you? How are you perceiving life right now?

The Good, The Holy, The Beautiful

“Every moment is a doorway through which the good, the holy, and the beautiful can be expressed . . .”
From the book:
The Way of Mastery – Part One: The Way of the Heart
Shanti Christo Foundation

What does this mean to you?

Typically, I might start looking around me or noticing what I’m reading to declare, “This one is good, that thing is holy, and the woman over there is beautiful.”

When I read it recently, I had a different response.

I’m on Day 24 of a challenging 40-day meditation. I’ve been resisting it because it involves holding my breath 52 times for longer than feels comfortable to me.

Shortly, after I read, “Every moment is a doorway through which the good, the holy, and the beautiful can be expressed…,” I began my meditation. As soon as I started, it occurred to me to simply experience the good, the holy and the beautiful in the challenge.

I was shocked by how easy it was. Without the resistance I’d been creating, all that was left was the good, the holy, the beautiful. Truly.

One of the infinite expressions of the good, the holy, the beautiful
One of the infinite expressions of the good, the holy, the beautiful.

Wow, where else in my life have I been overlooking the opportunity to experience, create, express or allow the good, the holy, the beautiful?

I’d love to hear your experiences! Join the conversation – comment below.

To expressing the good, the holy, the beautiful.

“I Am That,” Remembering Who You Are

Today is my 11th day of a 40-day meditation, with my delightful meditation partner, Dev Darshan, to purify the subconscious.

A few days ago, I spontaneously started watching some short videos from the spiritual teacher Mooji. I didn’t know of him before I “found” one of his videos.

Then yesterday I “found” a video from spiritual teacher Lisa Nichols that deeply spoke to me.

Mooji opens one of his videos by saying, “You’re looking out there for an answer. And, I’m looking at you as the answer.”

Deep breath.

I took that in. I knew that I know that. And then I forgot.

Fast forward to this morning when my mind is racing with all I have to do before I get on the road tomorrow to go to Durango and speak at the 9th Annual Women’s Small Business Conference. And then I hear a quiet, clear voice in my head. “Remember who you are.”

Immediately, the anxiety vanishes and I’m experiencing my own Divinity. I Know that I am the answer.

Perhaps I needed to purify the subconscious to remember!

I’d love for you to experience Mooji talking about “I Am That.” To me, he’s a shining example of living his Divinity.

I’d also love for you to experience Lisa Nichols. To me she’s a shining example of living her strong-from-within humanness.

And, if you’re inspired, I’d love to hear what’s on your heart and mind . . .

Join the conversation – comment below.

What If We Are Here to Love?

“When next someone asks you, ‘Who are you?’ please do not give them a name. Do not say, ‘Well, I was born in a certain town in a certain part of the planet.” Do not tell them that you are a democrat, or a republican, or a communist, or an atheist or a catholic.”

Tell them the truth:
Who am I? I am the extension of Love in form.
I have never been born and I will never taste death.
I am infinite and eternal.
I shine forth as a sunbeam to the sun.
I am the effect of God’s Love.
And I stand before you to love you.

– From the book, The Way of Mastery, Part One: The Way of the Heart
By the Shanti Christo Foundation

The Way of Mastery, Part One: The Way of the Heart

“I stand before you to love you.” I read that and just melted into the desire to be that person. What would life be like if I simply loved each person around me? How would life change if I stood in a crowded room or drove on a busy highway and simply loved?

Without judgment, without qualifiers, without conditions, without exceptions and without needing reasons …

It feels so good as I ponder it. I’ll get back with you after I’ve spent some time practicing knowing I am that person and being that person!

Join the conversation – I’d love your insights and experiences below.

What If It Is the Voice of God?

I made a big financial business mistake last year. I joined a program to teach me THE system for developing my own program without taking the time to understand the fine print and without noticing that several aspects of the program didn’t fit my values.

My StrengthsFinder Activator strength in its raw form has taken me to places like this before. I thought I had grown her up better than that. So humbling to still be so human. Oh my goodness.

Reflecting on what went wrong and how to go forward, I realized that I had forgotten to ask my Connectedness strength for input as I was deciding about the program. Several years ago, I had made Connectedness the Goddess in charge of all my strengths.

Connectedness tends to be much quieter than Activator. And she has direct, consistent access to God, Spirit, Source. If I listen.

Since getting out of the program, I have quit looking “out there” for the system. Instead, I’ve turned to my coach and to Connectedness to guide me to my perfect “system.”

It turns out my “system” isn’t a system at all. Instead, it’s instinctually following guidance. Specific, made-only-for-me, that I don’t even know I want or need guidance.

Following the impulse to clean up an awkward interaction with a previous client, which led to two new business opportunities.

Saying yes to going to the gym with a new friend when I had made a vow to never step foot in a gym this lifetime. Only to find out my body craves working out. I now love going to the gym faithfully twice a week. Who knew? For months, my family didn’t even believe I’d joined a gym.

My niece, Alisha, came to New Mexico to check it out for herself and had to take this picture of Ann in her new happy place.
My niece, Alisha, came to New Mexico to check it out for herself and had to take this picture of Ann in her new happy place.

Expressing a sadness to my ex-sweetie which led to a conversation neither of us can now remember how it went which led to us getting back together and creating an amazing new relationship that we fondly call 2.0.

None of these miracles happened because I asked God, “So, what do you want me to do today?” I simply followed my heart and intuition in the moment. Even when the guidance went against a vow I’d made, felt super uncomfortable or too vulnerable.

Ah, Connectedness.

Maybe that mistake wasn’t a mistake at all. Maybe it was the quickest way to get me back to me. After many months of ruminating about the mistake, that’s the first time I’ve said that out loud. Thank you for listening.

Join the conversation – post your insights, feedback and experiences below.

How You Think About Life Quickly Becomes Your Life

“How you respond to life is your life.”
– Tama Kieves
From her new book, “Thriving Through Uncertainty: Moving Beyond Fear and Making Change Work for You”

Oh my goodness, take that in.

It’s so easy to imagine that if I change my circumstances, I’ll have a better life.

I did the research on this one when I moved from Denver to Lamy, New Mexico three years ago.  I do love living in a magical casita surrounded by open land and open sky.  And, I still have bad moods when things don’t go how I think they “should.”

When I’m able to respond by allowing things to be as they are, then my life feels great regardless of where I’m living or any other circumstances.

When I’m spending time in Denver and sitting in traffic, I can choose to respond by becoming present and Zen and flowing as traffic is or isn’t flowing.  When I rail against “idiot drivers,” I create a not-so-good life for myself.

Same circumstances: sitting in Denver traffic.  Two different lives by my response to life.

Is the answer to never go to Denver again?  Of course not.  Then I would simply have more time to focus on all the “idiot hikers” in the beautiful New Mexico open space who let their dogs run loose and jump on me.

Thriving Through Uncertainty: Moving Beyond Fear and Making Change Work for You by Tama Kieves

Tama has written a brilliant, inspiring, heart-warming book championing our oh-so-human experience and calling us to become more aware of how we can thrive anyway.

Love yourself – read her book.

Join the conversation ~ post your insights, feedback and experiences below.

How Do You Answer the Call of the Season?

This time of year endlessly fascinates me with the contrast of the natural call to go inward and the consumer call to run around out there.

I opted out of the consumer call almost 30 years ago.

And this year, because it’s been so warm and we haven’t yet seen our typical snow here in Northern New Mexico, I’ve been more outward-focused than usual.

Last night it occurred to me that I didn’t want to miss the sacred opportunity of this season.

How Do You Answer the Call of the Season?

How wonderful to notice that even many beautiful lights are held in deep darkness this time of year. (As seen on one of my neighbors’ house in Eldorado, New Mexico.)

Opportunities I’m noticing:

Waiting in stillness.

Receiving the gifts of solitude.

Embracing long shadows.

Slowing down.

Reflecting deeply into the night.

What about you? What are the sacred opportunities of this season for you?

As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below . . .

Happy Sacred Solstice!

What Is the Only Relationship of True Value?

“It is futile — one hundred percent, absolutely, positively futile — to seek love in relationship with anything or anyone.

It is, however, quite appropriate to extend Love in each relationship with everyone and everything. But the extension of that Love requires that you have awakened to the truth that the only relationship that truly holds value is the relationship between you as the soul and God as your Creator.

What Is the Only Relationship of True Value?

Perhaps my love affair with nature runs so deep because I see God everywhere, love wholeheartedly and ask nothing.
(Bear Creek Trail. Lakewood, Colorado)

When you have surrendered the last vestige of an insane possibility of contracting away from the Truth, when you have given that up, Love will flow through you. But notice that if it flows through you, it must first flow to you. Therefore, seek always to receive in order to give. For what can you give another if you have not yet received it to yourself?

Am I being busy extending love, or am I busying myself fearfully trying to grasp at what I think can give me love so that I do not lose it?”

– From “The Way of Mastery – Part One: The Way of the Heart,” Shanti Christo Foundation

Wow, so I’ve been deeply contemplating this for awhile. It feels true, and it brings into question all the relationships I love.

Here’s where I’m at today. When I know my Creator first, then I see the holiness, wholeness, in everything and everyone. When I “forget” to know my Creator first, then I’m making gods of the people and things I love.

What about you? If you’ve read this far, I’d love to know how this speaks to your heart.

As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below . .