Most of the people closest to me are self-employed. So, I was caught off-guard this weekend while talking to a non-self-employed friend. He mentioned how much he wished he had my job – the freedom to do it as I want, when I want. Then, I remembered he had told me that a few months earlier and I’d barely heard him the first time.
I realized I take the freedom for granted. Self-employed my entire life, I’m used to doing what I want, when I want, how I want. I do love that. And yet, it feels ordinary for me because it is my routine. Interestingly, he didn’t even mention my favorite freedom – the freedom to do exactly what I’m best at and what I love to do most! Maybe he doesn’t even know that’s possible.
As I was telling one of my friends about the conversation, she reminded me that most non-self-employed people long for the freedom of self-employment. Yet most do little or nothing toward making that dream a reality.
What does it really take? I decided to explore that further.
Making the dream of the freedom of self-employment a reality
We must:
- Believe it’s possible for us
- Be willing to risk jumping into the unknown
- Be willing to learn about the business of self-employment
- Know or learn how to attract clients
- Know or learn how to ask for the sale
- Know our own strengths
- Get help in our areas of weakness
- Have a desire to offer a specific product or service
- Create our own structures and systems
- Create our own success teams
- Practice life-long learning
- Be able to live with uncertainty
- Oversee all departments (even when we are the only person in the business): R & D, Accounting, Production, Marketing, Sales, Service . . .
Wow! I’m sure I missed a few. No wonder a person might be intimidated about self-employment!
What did I miss? What makes it all worth it to you? I will write more about that later for me!