Attracting Clients: Coaching Expert Interviews: The First Three Steps to Making Money Online While You Sleep

A belated Happy 2012!

While I have been taking some time off to move my home and office, I have also been creating Thriving Coaches 2012.

As a life-long entrepreneur, I have had a bit of a lone-wolf tendency.  As the leader of Thriving Coaches, I came to realize during my personal 2012 visioning that I’m excited to better modeling partnering and collaborating.

We do not thrive when we try to do it all ourselves!

To celebrate having more fun and thriving by working more with others, we are replacing the Thriving Coaches roundtables that have been the foundation of the Thriving Coaches community since its inception in 2005.

Instead of me leading most of the roundtables, I will now periodically interview Coaching Experts who will support us in growing our coaching businesses and thriving!

I am so excited that our first interview is with one of my former coaching clients, Online Client Attraction and Cash Machine Expert, Kelly Harrington.

Kelly Harrington

I’ve invited Kelly to share her 3 Secrets to Overcome Technology Overwhelm so that you can attract clients and make money while you sleep.
If you are:

* Sick of letting your “online overwhelm” stop you from making more money and helping more people . . .

* Tired of spinning your wheels trying to figure out how all of the online and automation puzzle pieces fit together . . .

Then join us!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
2 to 3pm ET
(1pm CT / Noon MT / 11am PT)

Claim your (virtual) seat at to receive dial-in details and reminders.

Don’t miss this Thriving Coaches Expert Interview if you’re . . .

  • Frustrated that you’re not making money enough money
  • Overwhelmed and intimidated by technology and online systems
  • Stressed trying to do this whole “online thing” on your own
  • Struggling with the one-on-one model of helping your clients
  • Thinking there must be a better and easier way to master your online cash machine systems.

Kelly will share how she went from having no presence online to attracting clients, automating systems to save time and serve more, and adding thousands to her list and her income.

Here’s what’s possible for you, too:
“I’m a sole practitioner and I do not have IT support. Everything I do on the computer, I’ve had to figure out myself. I’ve done a lot of things but I’ve done it kind of like a man who cooks because he can . . . but he doesn’t know how to cook. Kelly’s systems and programs helped me figure out what to focus on first and set me up for an easy step-by-step process to follow. I now have a picture of the whole territory and how it all fits together.  I know for sure that Kelly really wants her other clients and me to really “get it” and wants us to succeed. She shifted my perception about what it’s like to do stuff online.”
-Beata Lewis, Executive Coach

Make 2012 your year to get all of those amazing ideas out of your head and out into the world in an easy breezy fashion that gets you results.

Register now to join us for this no-cost, high-value interview:
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
2 to 3pm ET
(1pm CT / Noon MT / 11am PT)

BTW – Kelly also has a special free gift for everyone who attends.
Here’s to your thriving coaching business!

P.S.  Kelly has this delightful, unique yin-yang blend of being a personable coach coupled with her IT geeky side. She would love to geek out for you so that you can have a thriving business now . . . not later.  Join us!

9 thoughts on “Attracting Clients: Coaching Expert Interviews: The First Three Steps to Making Money Online While You Sleep”

    • I'd not thought about attaching ordinary booklights to eReader covers, Carrie. That's an excellent idea. Although, I do have another review coming at the weekend, for a book light with an eReader adapter 🙂 It's a great one, so look out for it!

    • David & BarbaraSeptember 27, 2012Kurt & Nancy,Thanks for the encouraging comment. You are absolutely right. The warm weather is truly a gift based upon our comparative experiences of the north. Hope the warm weather continues for you guys.-Barbara & David

  1. Mike, God blessed us all that you chose to write about finance, just on this ONE issue alone you are an illuminating light to the world (not to mention all the other issues you bring clarity on). I’m hoping you haven’t truly gotten out the bugle to play taps for “plain vanilla”.


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