A self-study audio program
Strong Work:
I can’t believe I get to do this and get paid!
Description of program:
A three-session, self-study audio program to focus and leverage your strengths to advance your career or get clients to hire you!
Session one
Rock Solid Confidence
Using a deceptively simple yet powerful template, you will craft a one to three-paragraph story that you can use verbally or in writing to introduce yourself at networking functions, open your resume, begin your Linked-in profile, write your bio or ask for new business.
Session two
Stronger Work
You will develop three new ways to more consistently use your strengths in your work this week.
Session three
Weaknesses Begone
You will set up a structure to begin practicing two of the four strategies for offsetting your weaknesses.
Engaging in your strengths, strengthens you!
The Strengthsfinder® assessment tells you your top 5 natural strengths. The Gallup® folks who developed the StrengthsFinder® assessment define a strength as “near perfect performance in an activity.” Engaging in a strength strengthens you. Engaging in a weakness weakens you.
If you haven’t yet taken the assessment and would now like to learn your top 5 natural strengths, click here to learn how to buy the book StrengthsFinder 2.0 and take the assessment.
A STRENGTH is so much more than skills and competencies that you’re good at…
S = Success
You naturally have success at the activity.
I = Instinct
You find yourself instinctively looking forward to doing it.
G = Growth
You find yourself “in the flow or zone”, concentrating easily
(synapses are firing and your brain is literally “growing”).
N = Needs
You feel like it fulfills a need of yours, after you’ve done it.
– Marcus Buckingham, “The Truth About You”
You will receive huge value from this program if:
- You are willing to own your strengths from inside of you, rather than look to others to teach you their “proven system.”
- You are willing to say NO to many “opportunities” that don’t fit with your strengths.
- You are willing to work less because you focus on capitalizing on your strengths and let the rest go . . .
Before you say YES to this program, take a moment to truly consider if you are willing to:
- Become more Self-sourced.
- Risk upset from others when you say “no.”
- Turn away from possible “opportunities.”
About the Facilitator
Ann Strong inspires everyone in her immediate world, both personal and professional, to take the StrengthsFinder® assessment because she strongly believes that living from our strengths is foundational to our success, happiness and prosperity!
As a facilitator of this program, she offers her expertise and experience: 20 years of spiritual business coaching, 34 years of successful self-employment, 36 years of teaching personal and professional development and a life-long commitment to her own spiritual growth.
A personal note from Ann:
Why Ann Champions Owning Your StrengthsFinder® Strengths
As a business coach for the past 20 years, I have seen first-hand the huge difference between those who choose to embrace, own and live from their strengths and those who doubt and second-guess themselves, constantly looking outside of themselves for “the way.”
Those who trust themselves and their Source enough to fully live from their own strengths thrive. Those who constantly search for answers outside themselves live frustrating, unfulfilled lives.
My top strengths from my StrengthsFinder® assessment and what they mean in serving you:
- Maximizer
- Empathy
- Connectedness
- Activator
- Individualization
- Strategic
The short version of what this means about how I can help you:
- I love transforming strong (you) into superb (you – more of you, more of the time).
- I am able to see the world through your eyes and your perspective.
- I know that we’re all connected and things happen for a reason.
- I get things started and move you to action!
- I love supporting you in the specificity of you and in living from your strengths and Genius (your strengths are the raw material of your Genius).
- I see patterns and help you to cut through the clutter to find the best way.
Just $195 for mp3 recordings of all 3 classes and corresponding detailed handouts and worksheets.
Limited-time bonus for self-study audio program:
StrengthsFinder® coaching session with Ann Strong
Once you have listened to and completed the material for all three classes, email Ann to schedule your 30-minute StrengthsFinder® coaching session to help you integrate and fully use this material in practicing and creating your Strongest Work!
You may schedule your coaching session after you have finished the work for all three classes and up to six weeks after you purchase the course. This time frame reflects built-in accountability to complete the work and stay on course with moving forward . . .
What is it costing you each day that you don’t live and work more fully from your strengths?
Some of what you might be experiencing if you aren’t living and working primarily from your strengths:
- Frustration
- Hopelessness
- Self-consciousness
- Second-guessing yourself
- Feelings of unworthiness
- Thinking you’re “less than”
- Being hard on yourself
Give yourself this gift of living and working more fully from the best of you!
Still not sure if
Strong Work:
I can’t believe I get to do this and get paid!
is for you?
Call or email Ann directly today if you want to talk about any of this, have questions, concerns or doubts or feel uncertain if this program fits for you.
Ann Strong
505.466.1358, Santa Fe, NM (MT)
Email Ann