More Peace, Love and Understanding with your romantic partner
with a Strong Couple Coaching package based on both of your top 5 StrengthsFinder® strengths.
• Three 50 – 60-minute phone coaching sessions, scheduled every other week.
• Fun, connecting activities to practice in-between sessions.
• Miraculously greater appreciation of your partner and yourself!
Investment in your relationship: $550
Give yourselves the gift of fewer misunderstandings and greater appreciation of each other – a gift that lasts and grows for a lifetime!
If one or both of you have not taken the StrengthsFinder® assessment, you will need to do that – it takes 30 – 40 minutes to complete and costs $19.99/person. You’ll be given the details when you purchase your package.
“Working with both of our strengths, my husband, Duane, and I came to understand, empathize with, and respect each other in very different, helpful ways.”
Ashley Seaman
Pastor at North Highland Presbyterian Church
Denver, CO
Enjoy a gift that keeps giving for a lifetime!