When we are most ourselves – radiant and alive – our beingness and what we do comes naturally to us, without self-consciousness or judgment. Often effortlessly. We mistakenly imagine that if it is effortless for us, then it must be effortless for everyone. We also often take that one step further: if it’s effortless, it must be of little value.
Could anybody do this?!? I don’t think so!
As seen in Lamy, NM. Artist: Jenny Lind
of Rainbow Gate in Santa Fe, NM.
Truth: It takes no effort to be you. If you’re struggling, gently look to where you aren’t allowing you.
Truth: It would take great effort and net poor results for others to try to be you.
What might it take for you to release self-judgment and self-consciousness that tends to dim your radiance?
(Excerpted from my forthcoming book, “Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you”)
I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .