Recently, I had a conversation that really stuck with me. We were exploring the paradox of fully accepting who we are, how we are and a desire to grow, change. If we constantly would like to grow, then isn’t there something “wrong” with us now?
I didn’t quite know how to answer that question at first.
As a business and life coach, I support my clients in both growing and changing and accepting what is – exactly as it is, exactly as they are. The more I contemplated and looked at my own growth path, I realized a wonderful distinction.
Each of us makes many, many choices in a day. If our overall intention involves choosing from the most compassionate, loving, kind, present, aware, _______ (you fill in the blank) place that we can choose from in that moment, then we continue to grow and to accept what is at the same time!
I see a continuum, where on the one end, we each have the ax murderer version of ourselves and on the other end we each have the Dalai Lama version of ourselves (or any other low energy/high energy pictures we care to conjure).
Now, someone cuts us off in traffic, ends a relationship with us or treats one of our children poorly. We respond. Do we choose to respond from a place on that continuum that is closer to the low energy or high energy end? Do we handle the situation from a version of ourselves closest to the ax murderer or to the Dalai Lama?
So, it’s perhaps becomes less about us changing into something completely different, but rather making choices from the best of us more of the time?
This is big! I’m still pondering. I would love your input and to hear your experiences.