Recently a client asked me, “what is the opposite of fear?” I used to think it was love. While I still believe that’s part of the answer, the meaty answer that gives us something to work with is: trust.
Let’s try it on.
If I fear my neighbor is going to make my life miserable, I’m not trusting myself to handle the situation. If I trust I can resolve an issue with him, let go of the issue or even move to a better place for me, then I have nothing to fear.
If I fear the Earth is getting too hot, and I hate heat and I have no where to go, then I don’t trust that God never gives me more than I can handle or my ability to keep myself cool or acclimate to heat.
If I fear I won’t have enough clients next month or next year, I have the opportunity to trust my ability to attract clients, to reach out to new potential clients and to serve from my heart. I also need to trust that regardless of how many clients I have at any given moment, I am creative, resourceful and whole and I have an entire Universe on my side conspiring for my good!
If I fear my memory isn’t good enough to keep track of all that’s important, I’m not trusting the inherent messiness of life. I have the opportunity to trust I’ll remember what I need or have a way to retrieve something when I need it.
If I fear I won’t ever meet my beloved sweetheart / life partner, I have the opportunity to trust myself to first be in great relationship with myself and my friends and loved ones. Then, I have the opportunity to follow my intuition about inspired action as to when or where I might meet him. And, I get to trust the process and God in the process.
I realize that in every one of these situations, I have many “opportunities” to trust. Because of my life-long commitment to my own spiritual growth and spiritual coach training, I’m going to take on these opportunities as sacred callings. It’s too easy to let opportunities slip by. Of course, my life becomes so much richer and more fulfilling the more I answer a sacred calling, yet sometimes it seems easier not to answer. Today, I commit/recommit to answering!
What about you? Where in your own life is trust the antidote to fear? I’d love to hear from you.