StrengthsFinder® Strengths and Genius Coaching
Certainty, Confidence and Clarity Quick-Start Coaching
You may want to start with a quick-start coaching session to learn how your StrengthsFinder® results can immediately ignite your certainty, confidence and clarity for a lifetime. Let’s talk about it.
Transformative Strengths and Genius Coaching for you
To learn how your top StrengthsFinder® strengths can immediately improve your life and work and how a deep coaching partnership can activate you in discovering, claiming and owning your Genius, let’s have a Coaching Conversation – my gift.
StrengthsFinder® team alignment and development for your team
StrengthsFinder® alignment and development for you and your team – let’s have a conversation to talk about the specifics of your team development and team training needs.
Self-study audio program:
Strong Work – I can’t believe I get paid to do this!
Work confidence and happiness from your
StrengthsFinder® strengths . . .
A three-session, self-study audio program to focus and leverage your strengths to advance your career or get clients to hire you!
To learn more and to sign up, click here.
Before you begin private coaching with me or before you take the self-study audio program, Strong Work
Learn your top 5 strengths in minutes and enjoy more fulfillment and meaning in your life and work for a lifetime!
Two options for taking the assessment:
1. If you’d like to take the StrengthsFinder® assessment by Gallup® immediately:
You may buy a code for $19.99 to take the assessment and immediately give you access to reports with your top 5 strengths and what they mean.
To take the assessment now: click here.
2. If you have time to buy or would like to read a book, then you may take the assessment with the code from the back of the book and have a book with descriptions of all 34 strengths:
Buy ONE of these books
(Important note: Buy only new books – each book has one unique personal code in the back. If you buy a used book, the code will probably be used already):
Buy either StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Tom Rath or Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie. Choose whichever one appeals to you more.
They all have a personal code in the back of the book. To take the StrengthsFinder® assessment use that code at their website and take the assessment. The StrengthsFinder® assessment takes about 30 – 40 minutes to complete.
Gallup® instantly give you access to reports with your top 5 strengths and what they mean.
You can then read more about them in either book – for a general application with 2.0 or for a leadership application in Strengths Based Leadership.