A couple of weeks ago, I re-ordered my own internal Strengths structure.
I needed a better way to deal with stress in both my personal and professional life. So, I put Connectedness in charge.
Before that time, Maximizer and Activator pretty much ran the show.
And, I get ahead of myself. Let me back up a bit.
My top StrengthsFinder™ strengths:
1. Maximizer
2. Empathy
3. Connectedness
4. Activator
5. Individualization
6. Strategic
Maximizer consistently transforms good into great. Empathy feels what’s going on with others. Connectedness knows that everything is connected. Activator gets things moving. Individualization knows, specifically, what you want and need. And Strategic finds the best way.
The downside to having Activator and Maximizer in charge: Activator tends to follow the Ready, Fire, Aim approach to life, driving Maximizer and Strategic a bit crazy. And Maximizer can go way too far with perfectionism without return on investment.
So, how did putting Connectedness in charge reduce my stress? Connectedness connects me to myself, connects me to my Source, connects me to those I love and connects me to nature. Connectedness knows what’s most important. With Activator and Maximizer subservient to Connectedness, Activator fires more often in the right direction and Maximizer maximizes what’s most important.
Connectedness loves being outside in wide open space.
Connectedness connects me to what’s most important.
So, that’s a bit about my story. Now, take me out and put you in. What’s driving you?
If you haven’t taken the StrengthsFinder assessement, it takes just 30 – 40 minutes and $19.99. Take it now.
It will change your life, if you allow yourself to stay with your Strengths daily rather than thinking you must improve your weaknesses.
Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences with your strengths below.
If you’d like a personalized Strengths Strategy™ Application session, I am offering them via phone or Skype from anywhere in the world or in-person if you’re in the Santa Fe area.
40 to 50 minutes
$108 (Regularly $250)
Email me or call me on my direct office line to discern if this session would be a good fit for you. 505.466.1358.
My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order
Janet, It’s been almost a year and Connectedness is still in charge and I am a better person for it! What do you notice about putting different strengths of yours in charge?
I love your idea of putting different strengths in charge — I’ve been experimenting–its interesting for sure!