I was interviewed a couple of weeks ago by Irma Vargas for the Be Your Own Leader Summit.
I talked about:
- Aligning our internal StrengthsFinder strengths team by paying attention to our strengths within us.
- Focusing on consistently being and living our core values.
- Committing to daily practices that nourish our body, mind, heart and spirit.
- Orienting our life and work around what sparks joy for us.
- Living from the inside out strengthens us. When we live from the knowing that we create our world by our thoughts and feelings, we give up the notion that we are victims of external circumstances. We naturally thrive.
Great listen for StrengthsFinder pros, StrengthsFinder newbies and Strong from Within enthusiasts.
35 minutes.
Click the microphone to listen to or download the interview.
I would love your thoughts and responses. Post comments and insights below . . .