How might the world shift if we all knew and owned our own divinity?
How would your life shift if you knew, truly knew, that you are the creator of your life, the author of your story? What might you create differently than how your life is now?
What if we could devote a minute or two minutes or five minutes a day to begin making those shifts in our lives?!?
I love the way a meditation or affirmative prayer instantly changes my focus and energy. And, I am a bit impatient by nature, so I love working with simple tools that help me shift in minutes.
Yet, I found most centering tools and meditations are a minimum of 15 minutes and often as much as an hour, so I decided to create my own tools.
Today, I am so excited to share them with you!
I call this first one, Source, a reality reminder. May it remind you of your own power – strong from within . . .
Listen to the 1-minute audio here.
[audio:]Or read or follow along with the printed words below.
There is One Power, One Presence; the Source of all existence.
Pure Potentiality. Pure Energy. Pure, unformed, raw material.
Everything in existence is formed from this One Source.
I am formed from this One Source.
My thoughts, beliefs and emotions form my reality,
the nature of my existence.
I am the source of the nature of my existence.
What I experience “out there,” in the world first took shape inside of me.
As I believe, so it is.
I am the source of the nature of my existence.
Each moment, I choose the nature of my existence.
What would I love to choose?
What would I love to choose?
If this is valuable to you, I’m so excited to share a package of three tools with you:
Strong from Within, 1 – The Quick Audio Package
(3 recordings)
All recordings by Ann Strong
- You Are a Fountain of Blessings
5-minute meditation - Divine Authority
2-minute affirmative prayer - Source
1-minute reality reminder
I found a wonderful platform from which to share this package – and you get to name the price you’d like to pay!
CLICK HERE for further details, to purchase and for immediate download.
I’d love your feedback! If you purchase the package and use the tools for a few days, I would love to know how things shift for you . . .
Post comments and insights below . . .
Please see the post on March 16, 2015 to read “Outer Simplicity Inner Richness.”
We haven’t had that 800# for many years. I’m so glad you tracked me down!
Sorting through my Reflections folder, I found Outer Simplicity Inner Richness by Ann Strong. Are you that Ann Strong? I googled the title and didn’t find it. It was 69 things you can do for yourself, for children, for neighbors, and for all inhabitants of planet Earth. It’s a very poor copy and I can’t read it. When I called the number on the bottom, 800-745-2617, it promoted a product before anyone even got on the line. If you are the author of Outer Simplicity Inner Richness, please email me the list of 69. Thank you. Moreah