What If You Are Your Biggest Supporter?

From Dictionary.com –
Advocate: person supporting an idea or cause publically.

What if YOU are the idea and the cause?

Take that in: YOU are worth supporting. Even publically.

This flies in the face of what we’ve been taught about not tooting our own horn. Why aren’t we suppose to toot our own horn? Because we’ll get too big for our britches? None of that even makes sense.

What If You Are Your Biggest Supporter?

Why would we acknowledge our own Beauty less than the Beauty of this glorious flower?

Each of us is an entirely unique emanation of the One. To be celebrated. Honored. Cherished. Supported. Shared with the world. In a positive way.

“Getting too big for our britches” is a human idea. Self-deprecating is a long-celebrated, passed-down-through-the-generations, completely nonsensical idea.

We are here in this lifetime now to fully express ourselves. Our humanity and our Divinity. We are here to support and advocate for that expression.

How much cleaner and more empowering than trying to cleverly manipulate others into advocating for us, give us their stamp of approval?

Self-advocating isn’t ego puffery. It’s seeing yourself and speaking about yourself the same way you would a child or grandchild, a dear friend or a beloved teacher.

The other day, I noticed that one of the participants in my Thriving Work Working Book Club had a new picture on her Facebook page. She looked radiant. When I shared that with her, she simply replied, “I love my smile in that picture.”

Beautiful, innocent, pure self-advocacy.

Join the conversation – post your insights, feedback and experiences below.

4 thoughts on “What If You Are Your Biggest Supporter?”

  1. Jessica, oh my goodness – your blog!!! You’re sharing some of the beautiful value you add to the world. A HUGE congratulations.

    Your courage and continual growth inspires me!

    You’re welcome for the well-deserved kind words.

  2. Ann,
    I really resignated with this post! I am worth supporting….Even publically! New year…new changes….new challenges….new successes….I started a blog for school. Here’s the link https://wp.me/p9xkqU-p. I posted twice last week! It is the first time I have ever publically talked about my life coach! You were one of my inspirations in starting this blog! Thank you for the kind words!!!


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