Happy Spring!
What a delightful time to see ourselves anew. I am choosing to use this fresh, spring energy to release another layer of self-doubt and self-defeating habits and see myself through new eyes.
I am also practicing extending these new eyes to others. By consciously choosing the renewal that spring offers, I am – once again – letting go of old judgments and beginning anew. And, being human, I can sometimes “forget.” When I notice myself judging or focusing on the less empowered aspects of myself or someone else, I simply use that noticing as my opportunity to call myself back to a fresh, new moment and a fresh, new choice!
As we see ourselves and others in brighter, more empowering light, we actively choose to live and love more from a God-consciousness, rather than from our own limited human consciousness.
Lovely . . .
What does spring elicit from you?
Feel free to post your spring rituals in the comments section . . .