Conscious Choice: If you focus on mistakes . . .

I’ve been re-reading my own book, Thriving Work, as I am coaching two of my clients through it.  What strikes me when I read a piece that I have already read many times before: in every moment we have the opportunity to consciously choose where we focus.  Yet, so often, I don’t make that choice as consciously as I would like!

Do I focus on my human “mistakes” and limitations or do I focus on living and working from my Divinity?

In each moment, the choice is mine.

Today, I offer you one of the affirmative prayers from the book.  So simply, it keeps my focus in a great place.  Off of me and on Oneness and on the person in front of me . . .

Through Me

Through Me

Oh Great Spirit,

I affirm my ever–increasing awareness of your omnipresence.

I appreciate you always at my side,
Working through my hands,
Speaking through my voice,
Loving through my heart.

I delight with you.
I delight through you.
I delight as you . . .

Fully engaged in life,
Thrilled to be
Your hands,
Your voice,
Your heart.

– Ann Strong
From the book, Thriving Work

What about you?  As you are creating and discovering your thriving coaching business, where is your focus most of the time?  What tools do you use to keep your focus where you’d like it more of the time?

I invite you to share your thoughts and insights in the Comments section below.

To your thriving coaching business,

P.S. If you’d like 33 of these focused reminders of your Divinity, they are included in the book, Thriving Work: 90 days of daily practice for transforming you and your coaching, consulting or healing business.

Get your copy today:


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