Discovering Your Way: What Keeps You From Being More You?

Has fear guided you to the safe path?
Is life now calling you to walk your own path?

The distance between the two is far less than you believe.

I’m here to partner with you
in taking courageous steps
on this sacred journey
to more of yourself . . .

Walking in your own shoes.
Living your purpose. Your passion. Your strengths.
Your work. Your business.

Here is a bit of what I know for you, hold for you,
take a stand for you . . .

  1. You are here on this planet for an extremely precise
    reason known as YOU.
  2. Your own path is safer for you than the “safe” path.
  3. You have precious, worthwhile gifts to offer. If you
    don’t offer them, no one else ever will.
  4. You are being called to create new daily practices that
    replace old, out-dated, habitual thoughts that are holding
    you back from being more of you.
  5. Your “confusion” no longer serves you.
  6. Your thought of “who am I to . . .” must be replaced with
    knowing and owning your brilliance and Divinity.
  7. Your brilliance and Divinity are more real than your fear.
  8. Your strengths are your way.
  9. Your excitement and enthusiasm will impeccably guide you.
  10. There is a line outside your door of people waiting
    patiently and impatiently to work with you!
  11. You are here to be with them in a way that makes their
    lives and work richer and fuller because they work with you!
  12. You must make your choices and create your own life and
    work from the specificity of YOU.

 I have created 7 gift “More of You” Coaching Strategy Sessions
between now and the end of the month.

Is one of these sessions yours?

If you know that you are now committed to courageously walking
your own path with your life and your coaching business, then
book your appointment on my online calendar now.

This session offer huge value. It is my gift to you.

You will leave the session with:

  • A clear picture of where you are now with your coaching business and where you’d like to be a year from now.
  • An understanding of what stand between where you are now and where you want to go.
  • Direction, excitement and next steps about what it takes to bridge the gap!

 And, I have an opening for two new coaching clients. If we
determine you and I would be a good fit for me coaching you,
we can talk about that at the end of the session.

To the joy that comes from
living and working
from more of all of you!


P.S. If you’re still reading and not sure if this session is
for you, take a stand for yourself and claim it now!

P.P.S. If you’ve had a gift Jump Start Session or a gift Coaching
Consultation with me in the past, please allow someone who hasn’t
received one of these gifts to do so. Instead, call me on my direct
office line to talk about working together if you feel called now.

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