“It’s not going to work.”
“I’m not good enough.”
Ah, the dream-killer voice
of my human self.
That’s my cue to turn it over to the Divine.
Dearest High Glory of All, I give you this doubt and fear.
I don’t need to
try to muscle out of it.
I simply give you
my perceived limitations
Perhaps this situation calls for my inner bobcat?
and then go about my business,
living my Full Glory of You.
As always, please post your thoughts and comments below . . .
Bill, leave space for Grace, indeed! What the heck, maybe even allow Grace to lead?!?
Happy Easter Ann,
Big thanks for all you do…how easy it is to forget to do this, I say to myself & clients “we must have Hope and Faith, because we don’t know it all”.
Leave Space for Grace eh!
Bill x