Last week we looked at being happy, having happiness now as we also take steps to grow our business, lose weight, begin a new romantic relationship, make more money, improve our health or change whatever we feel would increase our happiness.
So how do we generate happiness now if we have concerns about our business, weight, romantic prospects, bank account or health?
First, become aware that happiness is a choice. I can choose to be happy right now regardless of any circumstances.
Easier said than done, you say?
I hear you.
So, onto step two. Create an Instant Happiness list. Write down as many things as you can think of that almost always move you closer to happy, happiness.
I am so happy to start skiing that I’m waiting at the ropes before they open the lift line – quite a happiness transformation from how I felt getting up in the cold and dark just a couple hours earlier!
(January 22, 2011; Beaver Creek, Colorado, USA.)
Here are a few from my Happiness list to get you started:
- Play with either of my cats, Oblio or Jasmine.
- Get outside.
- Coach a client.
- Grab my camera, get out and take pictures.
- Play music from my Happiness set list.
- Play music from my Sing Along set list and sing along.
- Call my niece, Alisha.
- Go skiing.
- Take a yoga class.
Create your own list. Post it on the fridge. Refer to it often. Use liberally as needed.
Then onto step three. Stop giving your precious energy and valuable time to thoughts or activities that feel unhappy to you. Use the unhappiness as your wake-up call. When you notice you’re feeling unhappy, ask yourself what you can shift. Now.
How can you shift your thinking to a happier perspective? How can you be kinder to yourself? How can you change what you are doing to feel greater happiness? Or, how can you do all three?
Post your own Instant Happiness list and progress in the comments section.