Happy Spring!
This time of year as the tulips and daffodils peek through the earth and the snow to show their brilliant red and yellow faces, we have a wonderful opportunity to thoughtfully and consciously plant seeds in our life and our work.
Flash forward six or eight months from now to autumn harvest. What would you most love to harvest?
Your thoughts now, your focus now will bring to fruition wonderful ideas, projects, hopes and dreams.
Or disappointment, frustration, stress and upset.
Today, in this new beginning of spring, I’m planting three new crops.
The first involves self-acceptance and compassion. Through the winter, during many changes in my personal and business life, I have often felt like a beginner, a kindergartener. Quite humbling. And, I’ve sometimes been too hard on myself. I now plant and will continue to nurture and nourish the seeds of self-acceptance and compassion.
The second involves focusing more fully on all the positive aspects of my relationship with my sweetheart, Gary. Sometimes during the overwhelm of the transition, I tended to put my focus in the wrong place. A breeding ground for disappointment, frustration, stress and upset, to be sure! In this new light of spring, I now plant and will continue to nurture and nourish the seeds of focusing on the positive, which naturally generates more positive.
The third involves more fully supporting my coaching clients in thoughtfully and rigorously planting the seeds most meaningful to them. I love that conscious choice, the foundation of coaching, makes such a difference from feeling that we’re at the mercy of external circumstances to thoughtfully choosing how we would most love our life and work. I now plant and will continue to nurture and nourish the seeds of consciously choosing.
What about you? Which seeds will you plant?