Overwhelm seems to be affecting most people. I see it in my clients, with my friends, on FB posts and in myself! To support my clients (including my first client – me), I’ve been paying attention to what’s most effective in giving us some relief.
For me, it’s definitely a good night’s sleep. Luckily, I sleep well 90% of the time. And, when I wake up and start my day, I can address anything. My mind is clear and sharp and ready to go.
Another thing that eliminates overwhelm for me for a while involves coaching clients. I’m present and focused on that one client and I set everything else aside.
It’s impossible for me to feel overwhelmed when I’m hanging out with these whimsical clouds and rocks and trees in the GBP.
Perhaps my favorite super effective reset button for peace involves hiking in the Galisteo Basin Preserve (GBP). I rarely see anyone. And, overwhelm literally drains from me with every step I take.
For one of my clients, a run at lunch clears her head and gives her calm, focused energy for the afternoon. For another client, meditating both in the morning and evening helps him reduce anxiety. One of my friends clears the stress of the day by taking a strenuous bike ride after work. Another client is on a news fast. She found the news was overwhelming her, so she’s not watching or reading any news.
It seems we need to be proactive and vigilant right now about consciously taking action to reset ourselves to peace.
So, what about you? What might be your super effective reset button for peace?
As always, post your comments, experiences and insights below…
And, whenever you’re ready, perhaps I can help you:
Work with me one-on-one.
(For established coaches and business owners.)
I have a limited number of coaching opportunities available for established coaches and business owners who want to make more of an impact. When you commit to your greatest contribution, miracles happen.
If this sounds like you, email me at Ann@AnnStrong.com, put One-on-One in the subject line and tell me about your Big Dream. What would you love to create? I’ll reply to schedule a Coaching Conversation for us to determine if we’d be a good fit.
Ken, ah yes, a good coach. Sounds like exactly what you need. 🙂 Deep breath.
Did I forget to say that “Maybe” seems to be right up there with overwhelm. Lots of people not sure about next steps. Perhaps we are being called to be in the darn present moment.
Now, stop the whining, sober up and get your good coach scheduled!
What??!! Have I no privacy!!?? How did you know I’m in overwhelm too?! I (my new nonprofit) have scheduled, I am the producer of, a charity fundraiser basketball game between the Police and Fire (Santa Fe, city) on #GivingTuesday, Nov 28, to benefit disaster relief in Puerto Rico. Tickets will be available some day, as soon as I figure it out. Crimestoppers will handle the concessions, once they decide I’m not a scam artist. Chocolate Maven might or might not donate 24 pies to be auctioned off at half-time, a good solid maybe… Believe me, I could go on and on, did I mention the IRS yet?
Maybe I can meditate during a strenuous bicycle ride? I know, this isn’t exactly what you asked for, well, not even close. Would whining plus alcohol count? If I had a good coach, might I come up with a better resolution?