Discovering Your Way: Strong Me, Strong You, for Heaven’s Sake!


I need your help!

Since 1989, I have been publishing a newsletter.  That was back in the day when it was printed, stamped and mailed – through the post office!

Human evolution must be speeding up.  The first three newsletters, Taplight, Success Notebook and Sacred Space Notebook, all had good runs for many years.  Similar content about being the Light that we are, with slightly different focuses.  Then, Sacred Space Notebook morphed into G Notes last year. Yet the “G” never settled down: Genius, Godness, Goddess, Grace . . .

Last week, Born-for-This Notes wanted a turn.  The idea is accurate, yet it does not roll off the tongue.  G Notes rolls off the tongue, but which G?  I’m both amused and a little bit embarrassed that I’m doing my marketing testing right before your very eyes!

pink flower

May the name of the newsletter/ezine be as
clear and radiant as this flower I encountered
on my walk yesterday!

People have been asking me for two decades why my business isn’t named Strong Coaching.  And, this was before I had started working with StrengthsFinder.™  The coaching isn’t about me and it seemed too corny.  Thus, I created a community, Thriving Coaches, and wrote a book, “Thriving Work.” My blog has been “Strong You, Strong Biz” since February 2009.

This week, the newsletter/ezine is “Strong-You Notes.”  I would love to settle into a name for this ezine.  And, I’m holding that desire lightly!

Has something jumped out for you?  I would love your help!

Post your comments and your vote below.

Mindfulness: Playing to Play Instead of Playing to Win

How does it shift your experience of life if you play to play instead of playing to win?

For me the most wonderful and miraculous difference: when I play to play, I allow myself the simple perfection of being in the moment.  When I’m playing to win, I instead experience a subtle, and often not-so-subtle, anxiety about the future.  I also experience nagging thoughts about my worthiness.  If I don’t win, then I’m not good enough, right?  If I do win, how will I keep proving myself?


How great is it to be fully present in the moment, playing to play
without self-conscious concern about outcome?

So, with innocent curiosity and without judgment, would you like to experiment for yourself?

If so, for the next 24 hours, simply notice as you go through each of the activities of your day whether you are playing to play or playing to win?  Then, observe your thoughts about how you’re playing and observe what feelings those thoughts are generating.

To living our Radiance . . .

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences below.


STRONG YOU? Are you in the Denver area?

Want to spend an afternoon diving into
your strengths? 

Or diving a bit deeper if you’ve been playing
with yours for awhile?

We have a few spaces left in an experiential
StrengthsFinder workshop on Wed, June 25.

Is one of them yours? Come play with us!


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Allowing Flow: Present and Curious

Awhile back, in the middle of a tense conversation with my sweetie, I could feel my mood going lower and lower.  Instead of engaging fully in what was quickly becoming an argument, I instead got curious.

What would it take to not go to a low mood?

Instead of firing back my good argument, I sat quietly, looking at the clouds.  Really looking, being present to the wonder of the clouds.  All of the sudden, my argument became irrelevant.  In an instant, I lost interest in proving my point.

I told him I didn’t need to go on, that I could let it go.  And I did.  Just like that. My mood immediately bounced back up.

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Some of my best friends are trees and clouds.  The
more time I spend outside, the more present I become.
The more present I am, the less I get upset with the
“small stuff.”

What had happened?  How did I access that beautiful miracle?  I became more interested in a high mood and connection (to the clouds, to me, to him) than in “winning” an argument.  I held the situation lightly and became present to the moment.  In the preciousness of the moment, the argument made no sense.

When we begin to notice more consistently that our innate well-being is always available, we naturally begin to make more choices consistent with it.

So, what about you?  What does this bring up for you?

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences below.


Are you in the Denver area?

Want to spend an afternoon diving into your strengths? 

Or diving a bit deeper if you’ve been playing with yours for awhile?

We have a few spaces left in an experiential StrengthsFinder workshop on Wed, June 25.

Is one of them yours? Come play with us!


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Affirmative Prayers: I Was Born for This

Today I offer you one of the poems/affirmative prayers from my forthcoming book with a working title of:  Strong from Within: Simple perceptions and practices for returning to the joy of you.


I used to wonder
Why does nobody see this?
Why hasn’t this already been done?
Why do I want something
that nobody else seems to want?

Doubt, self-judgment.
Telling myself to be happy with what is.

Yet, it didn’t leave me alone.

If only we could each be as clear as this magnificent tree, I was born  for this.

If only we could each be as clear as this
magnificent tree, “I was born for this.”

And so I began to realize
This is mine.
My part.  My vision.  My love.

This is why I’m here.
I was born for this.

My expression.
My contribution.
Expressing and gifting
what I alone can give.

My way.
Unusual.  Precious.  Needed.
My full expression.
Contributing to the Whole.
I was born for this.

I was born for this.

So, what about you?  What were you born for?  If you’re not sure, what’s your next step in knowing?  How can I help?

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences below.


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Conscious Choice: Mild Preferences Free Us

All suffering comes from our need to have things a certain way.

I can hear your protests.  I can hear them because I’ve had them, too.  I still sometimes have them.  “I’m suffering because of this illness or physical pain.”  “I’m suffering because someone I love died.”  “I’m suffering because I don’t have enough money.”  And our lists go on.

When I feel sick or experience pain, even chronic pain, it is my thinking that causes the suffering.  “I shouldn’t be in pain.  I’m tired of this.  When will I feel better? I can’t take another minute of this . . .”  When I accept what is, when I allow things to be as they are, rather than how I think I need them to be, then the suffering stops.

I may still be uncomfortable with the pain and that too will shift.  When I have a mild preference for being pain-free, then I create more space for the pain to ease or for me modify how I do my day even while experiencing the pain.

beautiful middle aged woman

Mild preferences move us toward accepting what is. 
As we accept what is, we eliminate suffering.

When we feel out of control, we tend to have strong preferences.  We become very attached to those preferences and when they don’t happen, we feel even more out of control.  Quickly, we spin into a downward spiral.

If instead, we can use the feeling of being out of control as the signal to dial back our preference to mild, we then begin an upward spiral.  “It would be great if I felt better,  And, I don’t feel so good at the moment.  And, this is what I can do even while feeling this way.”

Mild preferences move us toward accepting what is.  Because the preference is mild, I’m fine even if I don’t get what I prefer in a moment.  My own personal experience in working with dialing back my preferences to mild: what I would prefer often naturally comes to pass.  I suspect this happens because I don’t have such heavy, attachment energy involved in the mix.

So, what about you?  In what area of your life might you like to play with dialing your preferences back to mild?

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences with your strengths below.


Curious about living and working from your strengths?
Strong You Strategy Consultation

I have a gift for three fortunate people!
Are you one of them?

You may be one of them if:

–  You have taken the StrengthsFinde (SF) assessment and know your top 5 strengths or would like to take it now and learn your top 5 strengths.

–  You have a big vision or an inkling of what’s next for you, yet you’re frustrated by lack of progress or challenges.

–  You know instinctually that you’ll bring your big vision to reality by strengthening your strengths rather than trying to fix your weaknesses.

To receive this gift, be one of the first three people to email me with your top 5 SF strengths and a couple of sentences about your big vision and challenges.


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

StrengthsFinder™: Who’s in Charge Inside You?

Any time we feel frustrated, overwhelmed or stressed, we have an opportunity to call forth different aspects of ourselves to feel calmer, more fulfilled and peaceful.

Recently one of my clients felt stressed because she’s transitioning into new work and her Strategic wanted to look at the many ways she could proceed.  Before Strategic could assess and choose the best one, Activator got impatient and wanted to get going.  Activator didn’t care about the steps involved.  Activator just wanted to get going.

Internal conflict.

When I asked her which of her top strengths wanted to play (and lessen the conflict), she answered immediately, in a much softer tone.  Developer spoke up.  “When I work with my clients, I help them take the next step.  Just one.” Then Positivity chimed in: “And that is great, that is enough.”

My client immediately relaxed as Developer and Positivity balanced Strategic and Activator.

Each of our strengths has their own "personality" and their own needs.  As we come to know and understand each, we have this amazing opportunity to create synergistic internal teamwork!

Each of our strengths has their own “personality” and their own needs.  As we come to know and understand each, we have this amazing opportunity to create synergistic internal teamwork!


Ah, the good life.  When we notice we have many internal “characters” and they all have needs, we can greatly reduce internal conflict by allowing them all to play.

The trick is: in the right order, at the right time, for the right reasons and at the right intensity!

So, that’s a bit about one of my clients’ stories.  Now, take her out and put you in.  Who wants to play?

If you haven’t taken the StrengthsFinder™ assessment to learn your top 5 strengths, it takes just 30 – 40 minutes and $19.99.

It will change your life, if you allow yourself to stay with your strengths daily rather than thinking you must improve your weaknesses.

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences with your strengths below.

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Invest in your strength:
Strong You Clarity Day

If you are on the verge of letting go of trying to fix yourself, I am honored to hold the space for you to step into your Self.

Let’s devote this day to focusing on your strengths, your brilliance, your happiness and your dreams.

$1100 for the first 2 G Notes readers
who book before May 23 for a day in June.
(Regularly $1500)

Send an email to me to book your day.  Include four days that you are available 10 am – 5 pm, Tues – Sat.

If you would like help discerning if this day would be a good fit for you, call me on my direct office line to talk about it.

– – – – – – – – – –

My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Transcending Ourselves

“As human beings we are made to surpass ourselves and are truly ourselves only when transcending ourselves.”
–  Huston Smith

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As with our friends, the trees, we find our Genius in
our roots and connection to this earth and our Godness
in our branches and reaching to the sky.

Two ways to transcend ourselves: Godness and Genius.

The Divine and Universal: going beyond our human limitations, accessing our innate Divinity where all things are possible.

The human and personal: consistently growing, quantum leaping and extending the boundaries of our personal best. The practice of our craft. Living and working beyond our own innocently self-imposed self-consciousness.

To living our Godness and our Genius . . .

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences below.


If you haven’t taken the StrengthsFinder assessement,
it takes just 30 – 40 minutes and $9.99.

It will change your life – if you allow yourself to stay
with your Strengths daily rather than thinking you
must improve your weaknesses.

My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

StrengthsFinder™: With Connectedness in Charge

A couple of weeks ago, I re-ordered my own internal Strengths structure.

I needed a better way to deal with stress in both my personal and professional life.  So, I put Connectedness in charge.

Before that time, Maximizer and Activator pretty much ran the show.

And, I get ahead of myself.  Let me back up a bit.

My top StrengthsFinder™ strengths:
1. Maximizer
2. Empathy
3. Connectedness
4. Activator
5. Individualization
6. Strategic

Maximizer consistently transforms good into great.  Empathy feels what’s going on with others.  Connectedness knows that everything is connected.  Activator gets things moving. Individualization knows, specifically, what you want and need.  And Strategic finds the best way.

The downside to having Activator and Maximizer in charge: Activator tends to follow the Ready, Fire, Aim approach to life, driving Maximizer and Strategic a bit crazy.  And Maximizer can go way too far with perfectionism without return on investment.

So, how did putting Connectedness in charge reduce my stress?  Connectedness connects me to myself, connects me to my Source, connects me to those I love and connects me to nature.  Connectedness knows what’s most important.  With Activator and Maximizer subservient to Connectedness, Activator fires more often in the right direction and Maximizer maximizes what’s most important.

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Connectedness loves being outside in wide open space. 
Connectedness connects me to what’s most important.

So, that’s a bit about my story.  Now, take me out and put you in.  What’s driving you?

If you haven’t taken the StrengthsFinder assessement, it takes just 30 – 40 minutes and $19.99. Take it now.

It will change your life, if you allow yourself to stay with your Strengths daily rather than thinking you must improve your weaknesses.

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences with your strengths below.


If you’d like a personalized Strengths Strategy™ Application session, I am offering them via phone or Skype from anywhere in the world or in-person if you’re in the Santa Fe area.

40 to 50 minutes
$108 (Regularly $250)

Email me or call me on my direct office line to discern if this session would be a good fit for you.  505.466.1358.


My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

StrengthsFinder™: Doesn’t Everybody Do That?

After six years of coaching clients around their strengths, I am still tickled and surprised when I acknowledge them for some amazing thing that they do and they say, “What do you mean?  Doesn’t everybody do that?”

Last week I was with my friend Gina walking a lovely neighborhood retail area with shops and restaurants.  We were hanging flyers for my upcoming StrengthsFinder™ workshop.  And, I got the pure joy of seeing all of her strengths come into play.

shining in our strengths

Each of our unique combinations of strengths causes each of us to shine, to be strong in the way that only we can!

In the first three restaurants she told me about something on the menu that she knew I specifically would love.  At the bookstore she held the door open for the shopkeeper carrying in boxes of books.  Then she offered to help her unload the car.  At the next restaurant, they didn’t have a place for flyers and she said in her gracious, sing-songy voice, “No is a perfectly acceptable answer.”  At the next bar, she told and the bartender that we were coming back for one of their specialty tequilas.  At the paper store she told the owner how the workshop could help her and her employees.  In the mobile fashion truck, she talked to the girl about bringing the truck to her birthday party.

And so Gina went for 5 or 6 more shops.  When we were walking to our cars, I said, “That was amazing.  I have hung many flyers in my life and never like that.  It was like you gave everyone we talked to a gift, or several gifts.  And, you knew exactly what to give each one of them.”  She looked at me so quizzically and then said, “doesn’t everybody do that?”

Ah . . .

We are so strong in our strengths that we don’t even know they are strengths.  They’re “just what I do.”

When I told Gina she could make very good money with her strengths she couldn’t understand why anyone would pay her to just hang some flyers!

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences with your strengths below.

My book, “Thriving Work” is now available
on Kindle at Amazon for just $3.99:
Click here to order

Navigating Change Successfully: The Certainty of God in Uncertain Situations

In the past six months, I have experienced more change in my life, both personally and professionally, than in the past six years.  Honestly, it has rocked me to my core. 

Two of my clients and one of my friends have each experienced three or four unrelated deaths of people under 50, several of them suicides.  An acquaintance is recovering from a head-on collision.  She was riding a motorcycle.  Another took her own life. 

I have told my coach several times over the past few months, “I don’t know who I am.“ Other times, I told her, “I don’t know where I am.”  Twice she asked me if I wanted to read the prayers in my book, the book that I wrote.  Both times, I told her I did want to read them.  And, I did read them.

Yet, they didn’t soak in very deeply.  Until recently.

We are both Divine and human.

The human part of me HAS been a bit lost, sometimes hard to find during this time.  The Divine part is ever-present, ever-radiant, unwavering.

woman with flowers

Experiencing the Grace of God within and all around . . .

I do know who I am.

“I am love, power, beauty and mystery.
I am love, joy, peace and hope.
I am love, brilliance, health and wealth.
I am love and abundance.
I am God expressed.”

-From “Radiant Wave of Oneness”
In the book, Thriving Work
By Ann Strong

I am the Grace of God.  So are you. As are my clients, friends and acquaintances.  When I live as though I know that, I am unwavering in the face of change.  I want that for you, too.

Feel free to post your comments, insights and experiences below.