My business mentor, Peleg, recently completed a client survey for me. For the past two weeks, I have been periodically reading and absorbing lots of information from the survey and asking Spirit to help me know whatever is most helpful for me to know.
No small task. A couple of times I got completely overwhelmed and had to stop.
While on personal, spiritual retreat in New Mexico last week, I finally reviewed everything piece-by-piece and felt some concepts integrating inside me.
Here’s the one I’d like to share with you today: one of the comments in the survey indicated that I need to decide whether I am a business coach or a spiritual coach.
After initial annoyance, I am so grateful for that comment.
I have chosen.
I chose both. More accurately, it’s less of a choice and more of a truth. I AM both. Spiritual coach and business coach.
How great is it to run our businesses from our spiritual foundations?! I am privileged and honored to support people in growing themselves and their businesses at the same time.
Spiritual coach and business coach. Okay, I’m out of the closet.
And what great value to my clients: two for the price of one. Spiritual coach and business coach. (And, mentor coach to coaches.)
Glad we cleared that up!