Committed looks like, “I will do whatever it takes to make this happen.” Considering looks like, “I’m thinking about it. I’m interested. I’m getting information. Maybe I’ll do it if it’s convenient. I have a lot to consider.”
In any given moment, we can tell what we have been committed to by what is in our life right now.
I’ve always been committed to living in a nice home, even when I rented. Anyone who has ever been to any of my homes will tell you that they tend to be small, yet they really feel like home. At the same time, I have often been considering getting another car, but rarely get one until the one I’m driving no longer runs! At the moment, I drive a 22-year-old car that runs great.
Am I committed to creating home wherever I live? Absolutely. And, I do whatever it takes to make that happen.
My internal, personal commitment: transformation of a house into a home wherever I live. My current home in Denver, Colorado.
Am I considering driving a late-model car? Sure. Am I committed to it? Not at all.
(Excerpted from my forthcoming book,”Thriving Work,” copyright 2011.)
I have been considering writing a book since 2002. I have actually written approximately one third of a book.
Which does not make a book. So, working with my own coach Jeff in the first week of this new year, I have now committed to getting the book written and published in 2011.
Whatever it takes.
I’ve started with a commitment to writing for two hours every day for 40 days. Today is day six. You would not believe how well I have organized my office as I procrastinate each day before getting to the two hours of writing!
Is doing whatever it takes easy? Sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s ridiculously hard. And inconvenient. And messy. Complete with doubt and fear. And sometimes with pure grace.
Regardless, I know I am engaged in a process that calls me to express more of who I am and to serve those I am here to serve. With you as my witness, I am committed to getting this book into the world in 2011!