Since so many things have changed in my life during the past few months, I began to pay attention to what I do know as True for me. What could I find in my life that is unchanging, even as it changes?
I first noticed my spiritual practice, the foundation of which is kundalini yoga. The practice is different every time, but the showing up twice a week and the intention of knowing my Source with every breath, with every posture, is the same.
Next, I remembered how I know God and experience God so consistently in nature. I used to get over to my big backyard, City Park, several times each week. Now that I’ve moved, my big backyard expanded. I get to hang out with these amazing rocks and experience the city from a higher vantage point from 868 acres of Red Rocks Park.
Ah, the peace that is available from higher ground! Red Rocks on a stormy May afternoon . . .
And, I’m rereading my own book, Thriving Work, which includes affirmative prayers. When I pray, I pray many different prayers, yet each one takes me to that place of experiencing God.
When I practice kundalini yoga, when I spend time in nature, when I pray, I am aware of experiencing God. When I am aware of experiencing God, I am at peace. There is my solid foundation . . .
I’d love to share with you today my favorite Thriving Work prayer at the moment.
Voice of the Divine
I remember in this moment
that I am
The voice of the Divine,
The ears of the Divine,
The eyes of the Divine,
The hands of the Divine,
The feet of the Divine,
The face of the Divine.
May I speak Truth.
May I ask Truth.
May I hear Truth.
May I see Truth.
May I serve Truth.
May I walk Truth.
May I shine Truth.
May I speak Goodness.
May I ask Goodness.
May I hear Goodness.
May I see Goodness.
May I serve Goodness.
May I walk Goodness.
May I shine Goodness.
May I speak Joy.
May I ask Joy.
May I hear Joy.
May I see Joy.
May I serve Joy.
May I walk Joy.
May I shine Joy.
I am the voice of the Divine.
I am the ears of the Divine.
I am the eyes of the Divine.
I am the hands of the Divine.
I am the feet of the Divine.
I am the face of the Divine.
So, what about you – where and how do you know your solid foundation? I invite you to share in the Comments section below.
Also, if you’re in the Denver area, stay tuned for more details about a Conscious Feminine Transition group that I’m developing . . .