A Course in Miracles teaches that everything we experience is love or a cry for love.
There is only Love.
All is love. Anything other than love is just our story, our dream, our illusion, our nightmare, whatever you’d like to call it.
Lately I’ve been observing how wed I am to my stories, which can tend to turn into nightmares.
Off and on since the late 80s, I’ve worked with this idea of only love or a cry for love. Yet, I didn’t realize until today that I have only looked “out there,” to the “other” to notice whether I was experiencing love or a cry for love.
What happens when I keep my focus on me? Is the way I am relating to myself, talking to myself, experiencing myself love or a cry for love? And when I focus only on me, how do I respond to my cries for love? How can I be only love or offer myself love when I’m not love?
I turn to my own affirmative prayer from my new book, Thriving Work. I offer this gift to you as well . . .
My thoughts, feelings, actions – all Love or a cry for Love . . .
Path of Love
May I breathe into being fully present,
Offering myself unconditional
attention, acceptance, appreciation,
affection and allowing.
May I gently release
judgment, fear, control and demands.
May I offer my love to everyone this way.
May I increasingly allow and receive
all the love that comes to me.
May I feel compassion
For those who are afraid to love,
Even when they are lashing out.
May all beings find and choose
This path of love.
So, what about you – how are you experiencing love and responding to cries for love? I invite you to share in the Comments section below.
Also, if you’re in the Denver area, stay tuned for more details about a Conscious Feminine Transition group that I’m developing . . .